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The weekend had passed and class 1A were all walking into their homeroom confident that they'd pass the final exams and then...

2 hours later

...they walked out of the class with a few looking depressed.

"Ugh, Damnit, I should have studied harder" Mina cried out reminiscing about the prior test they had just taken

"I can't say you're the only one" Kaminari said putting a hand on her shoulder

"Maybe if we do well on the practical they'll make an acception and allow us to go" Kirashima said with a bit of hope

"I mean yeah, we are in the hero course so it's possiblity"

With that being said the whole class refilled with hope at passing the term now being serious.

Ground beta

1A was now standing Infront of the UA faculty why they were all here

"What are you guys doing here, aren't we supposed to be fighting some robots?" Kaminari questioned

"You were supposed to that but there's been a change of plans..." Aizawa started

"Due to the increasing threat of villains in recent times we've decided that we'll fight you all personally" Nezu finished now standing in Aizawa's scarf much to the shock of the whole class

"Hey, that's not, you pro's have much more experience in fighting using your quirks" Mineta chimed in

"Yes we know that, that's why we'll be wearing restraints so you have a fair chance of winning"

"Now, you'll be divided into teams of two and you'll all be transported to different training cities." Aizawa started again

"Your objective is to reach the escape gate at the other end of the area you're assigned to while evading the pro assigned to you or capturing them. As long as one of you make it through the escape gate while the other is still conscience then you'll both pass " he continued

"Now, Kirashima and Sato, your opponent is Cementos, Asui and Tokoyami, Ectoplasm, Ojiro and Iida, Powerloader, Yayurozu and Todoroki, you're with me, Uraraka and Aoyama, Thirteen, Ashido and Kaminari, Principal Nezu, Jiro and Koda, you're with Present Mic, Shoji and Hagakure, Snipe, Mineta and Zero with Midnight..."

"Oh boy" Mineta exclaimed

"...and finally, Midoriya and Bakugo you're with-" Before Aizawa could finish the hulking figure that was All Might jumped and said "Me" pointing his thumb at himself

The whole class felt sorry for the two considering that All Might wasnt the number one hero for no reason- even if he was restrained. And so the sequence of battles commenced

Area One-Kirashima and Sato VS Cementos

As soon as the signal to start was sent the two rushed towards thinking they'd get a higher score if the were to capture him. Cementos in response cut them off from a great distance by placing his hands on the ground and creating a cement wall to block them off. Sato ate a few cubes of sugar and Kirashima used his hardening quirk and the both launched punches towards the wall breaking it.

Cementos created more and more walls which they brute forced through but each time they broke a wall they were met another and eventually Kirashima launched a punch and "Ow" he said after he realised his hardening quirk had worn off he turned to Sato who looked wozzy.

"Damnit" Kirashima said outloud realising that their quirks were temporary and Cementos's quirk didn't have a time limit

Monitoring room

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