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It had been a week after the battle trails and all of class 1A were chatting away as usual then their teacher walked in and they immediately quieted down.

"You're getting better at this" Aizawa remarked at the class quieting themselves down so quickly

"Today we will be going to USJ for rescue training" Aizawa said perking up the ears of everyone

"So we're going to universal studios Japan" Mina said with a sly smirk

Aizawa glared at her quickly getting rid of her smirk before the class could even release a sign of laughter.

"USJ stands for Unforseen Simulation Joint." Aizawa explained

The whole class was excited with Iida was already coming up seating arrangements.

"Now get changed into your hero costumes and meet me at the east gate" said Aizawa click the button to realeses thier hero costumes.

Izuku hero costume was still getting repaired so he wore a makeshift costume consisting of his UA gym uniform and his respirator.

A few minutes later

Everyone was gathered inside the bus and Iida felt and looked depressed because the bus was an open planned bus and he had planned a whole chart of seating arrangements. They were eventually on the road and having small talk here and there.

"By the way Uraraka, how's training your quirk going so far?"Izuku asked

"It's actually going pretty well, I can use my quirk for 10 minutes on myself without vomiting

"What are you guys talking about?"Mina asked

"Oh, Izuku and Iida are helping gain better control over my quirk, so I can incorporate it in enhancing my body" Uraraka answered

"In what way?" Momo asked

"Well, I use my zero gravity all over my body and I can make my own form of pseudo flight and if I use it solely on my legs then I can run really fast."

"Wow, it sounds so simple yet it's so versatile"Momo answered intrigued

Everyone sat in silence for a few minutes until it was broken by Asui calling out " Hey Midoriya."

Izuku turned to face her and she asked "What's your quirk?"she asked with everyone turning to Izuku also wondering what it was

"It's an enhancement quirk which can enhance my physical attributes at different percentages of power but currently, I can control at  12% max currently without tearing my body apart

Everyone heard this and they were surprised.

"Why can you only use 12% though?" Momo questioned Izuku

"Well, I only got my quirk about a month ago and to use it's full power I need to build up my body though recently I've been realising my body naturally gets stronger since a week ago I could only use about 10%"

"I again say, you will be a monster once you can use 100% of your quirk" Uraraka said quoting her own words

Bakugo then scoffed at these words internally being frustrated.

They then arrived to what seemed to be a giant dome. The pro hero 13 was walking towards them and Uraraka started fan-girling.

"Uraraka are you ok?"Iida asked

"Yes, it's just that Thirteen is my favourite hero"

Thirteen pulled Aizawa to the side asking where All Might was to which he responded by holding three fingers up.

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