The truth about One For All

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"ALL MIGHT" Shiragaki shouted, anger clear in his tone of voice.

He ran towards All Might but was shot with multiple bullets from the pro hero teacher Snipe before he could reach him. All the UA teachers had arrived and we're taking out the remainder of the villains.

"Kurogiri, get me out of here" Shiragaki commanded as Kurogiri abligied

Unknown location...

Kurogiri warped into a bar in an unknown location and out of him came a bartered and bloodied Shiragaki who fell to the floor and started cursing Izuku's very existence

"That damn green haired bastard and All Might" Shiragaki howled in pain

"I assume the mission failed Tomura Shiragaki"A voice from screen mounted on a wall in the bar said, all that was visible was a man wearing a suit with his face and any other bodily features not being visible.

"Yes sensei, some green haired bastard came out of no where and fought the Nomu. He had the strength of All Might and his speed but weaker then boom he had some kind of power up that made his hair eyes and that weird green lightning around his body red and he kept up with the Nomu and even managed to hurt it"Shiragaki said with distain, fury, and frustration evident in his voice.

The man on the screen held up a single photo on the screen of Izuku before asking "Is this his"

"Yes that's him" Shiragaki said, venom clear in his voice

"How very interesting, keep an eye on him for now" The man on the screen before he disappeared.

3 days later

The news of what happened at the USJ made its way to the media and was already relayed to the public and people were questioning UA's security.

Izuku had been discharged from the hospital the day prior and had found out that UA was closed for 1 week to strengthen its security due to the villain attack. He now finds himself standing Infront of Small Might and Gran Torino in his apartment.

"So kid, explain to me what exactly was that power you used is" Gran Torino said looking at the boy

"Well at the time I didn't know myself, I just felt a sudden surge power and energy and didn't know what it was until 2 days ago while I was still in hospital, I had a dream similar to one I had a month ago" Izuku explained


Izuku found himself standing in the same void like space he had been a month ago when he had received One For All. He had been standing there for seemingly hours unable to move and a figure which only had its eyes visible appeared before him

"So you unlocked my quirk first" The figure said much to Izuku's confusion

"You're probably wondering what I mean" The figure said

"One For All keeps the essence of it's previous users, including their quirks and their experience with it, hence why it gets stronger every time it's passed on to it's next user"

"One For All has chosen you, the Ninth user of it as the one who will supposedly end tyranny and defeat All For One. You may very well be its final successor hence why unlike all the previous users of One For All, the quirk seems naturally adapted to you. I estimate you can currently use about 14% of One For All at this present moment. I can't say I know why One For All chose you nor approve of it, but if you are truly the one then I give my blessing."

"I am the third user of One For All and the power you used was my quirk, named Fa Jin which allows you to store kinetic energy and use it all at once in a burst of speed and strength. You will gradually unlock 6 more quirks from the previous users and meet their vestiges. I will now fuse with you to grant you all my powers, you won't get any of my memories though but you will be able to use my quirk to its fullest extent."

"So long Ninth" The figure said before merging itself into Izuku. Everything then went blank

Flashback end

"Interesting" was all All Might could say.

"Well if that's true I have no doubt that you perfect successor for One For All"

"Toshinori" Gran Torino shouted as he whacked All Might on the head with his cane

"What?"All Might questioned patting his freshly bruised head

"Can't you see you're putting pressure on the boy?" Gran Torino

"I apologise if I pressured you in any way young Midoriya"said All Might sorrowfully

"No, it's ok, I know I'm not the one destined to do all those things at least not by myself, everyone will be responsible for bringing in the era of a new society." Izuku

"You did good with this kid Toshinori" Gran Torino said smirking changing his earlier mood

"By the way whose All For One?" Izuku questioned

With a sigh All Might said- "I think it's time to tell you the truth about One For All young Midoriya.

"Long ago, lived a man with a quirk that allowed him to steal other people's quirks and transfer them to others or keep them for himself. He forced a quirk on his seemingly quirkless younger brother, this man went by the alias of his quirk's name, All For One. This quirk he passed onto his younger brother allowed him to stockpile power within his body however, unbeknownst to either one of them, the younger brother already had a quirk with no other power than to transfer it to another person. The transference quirk and the power stockpiling quirk merged to form One For All." All Might said

"After discovering this about his newly developed power, due to his strong sense of justice, the younger brother tried to defeat All For One, but given the huge difference in their strength, he failed. He decided to entrust the Quirk to future generations of heroes, hoping that they would be able to cultivate One For All and one day put a stop to All For One. He passed it on to the Second User, one of the heroes who had freed him from the prison cell where his brother was keeping him. All For One sought out One For All and as a result, almost all of the users of One For All fought him and were killed by his hand but not before they each had the chance to pass on the quirk to a successor so that it could reach the future and elude the Villain, each time One For All is passed on the user of the time improves it and is then passed on to the next user who improves again and again, and now it is your turn with the quirk young Midoriya" All Might concluded

Izuku was still processing everything he heard. He was both amazed and confused.

"Well I know one thing now" Izuku said

"And what might that be young Midoriya?" All Might questioned

"We will put an end to this together, not just me and you, but everyone" Izuku said

"Then let's get training brat"


(A/N: this is more of like a contextual chapter)

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