The Hero killer

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A/N- Ok I'm sorry this took so long, I've been busy with school but I hope you enjoy this chapter

League of villains hideout

"I may not particularly like you but I like the work you do, Hero Killer" Shiragaki said with a mischievous grin on face- not that anyone could see it since his face was covered by one of his gloves

"So that's why I would like to prepose an offer to you..."

"I would like you to join us, Hero killer Stain"

"And why would I do that, what are your motives, why do you want to to join you?" The hero killer replied

"Join us..." Shiragaki said spreading his arms out in a hanged man pose "to destroy hero society and everything that burdens us in this world"

A few moments after Shiragaki had announced his proclamation, he was pinned down to ground with a knife through his right shoulder.

"Destruction and murder without reason is meaningless, I kill those so called Pro-Heroes to reform society, our current society is filled with fake heroes who do the profession for money and fame and there is only one man who is a true hero is and that is the number one hero All Might"

"I do what I do for the betterment of society" He said getting another knife ready to plunge into the heart of Shiragaki

"You know you really piss me off" Shiragaki said activating his quirk and disintegrating the knife which was in his shoulder making Stain jump back and get on gaurd

"You talk about All Might as though he's some great hero that everyone is supposed looks up to but if he's such a great hero, why do villains like us exist"

"The only thing you seek is senseless destruction, that's why you are a villain and are not needed in this world" Stain said as he Unsheathed his katana from his back and held it with one hand why holding a machete in the other.

Suddenly a voice was heard from behind the hero killer which belonged to a tall man wearing some kind of mask which covered a majority of his head

"Hello, Hero Killer..."

"With Izuku

Izuku and Gran Torino had arrived in Hosu city and were now patrolling the area. They were on the east side of the city and from what he heard from Iida, who was interning with the normal hero Manual, Manual's agency was  south of Hosu so he probably wouldn't get to see him.

The time was now 18:30 meaning it had been 5 hours since Izuku and Gran Torino had been patrolling with Gran Torino lacturing Izuku on how the mind of a hero needs to work with Izuku furiously scribbling down notes. They had so far only caught about 5 villains/criminals who committed mostly petty crimes with one robbing a bank and the other committing grand theft auto.

"Ok, I guess that'll do for today, let's head back" Gran Torino said preparing to leave but both of them heard an explosion towards the south western side of the city.

"Well what are you waiting for" Gran Torino said to Izuku, who seemed worried about something before using his quirk, Jet, to rocket towards that area.

"Right" Izuku thought as he caught up to Gran Torino

"What the...?"

"Are those Nomu?" Izuku questioned looking at the creatures with exposed brains similar to the one from the USJ being fought by multiple pro heroes with the heroes mostly on the loosing

"I'll take care of that one, you go help in the city, you have permission to use your quirk to save civilian lives" Gran Torino said jetting towards a Nomu which was attacking a train

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