Chapter 11

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I then noticed in a corner there was what seemed to be a radio. I went over to it, and picked it up. I pressed some of the buttons on it, and picked up the voice receiver and said, "Is anyone there? Again, is anyone there?" The radio beeped before saying, "Who is this? You're not Dr. Nijinsky." "Uhm, I am Unit Seven from the retrieval team of Project BlueWing?" I replied. "Oh. Well, what are you doing? Are you telling me that you successfully caught him or are you just wasting my time?" "None of the above," I said, "I'm requesting a withdrawal. Almost everyone is dead, and the only people still alive are me and Unit Eleven. There is no way we could successfully capture the thing." "Well, still try. We can't afford to replace him. Even if you guys die, we'll just send another group to try to get him. You know, you're like the fifth group to come. The only reason why you don't see the previous groups' corpses is that he eats them. He needs to eat too, ya know." This made me sick. These guys just send people into death traps with no thought of their lives? Unit Eleven then barged in and grabbed the voice receiver and said, "Well, that thing is going to have a major growth spurt in just a few days. It will then become kaiju size and cause hell the rain down on the world. You might as well kill it and make another one that can be a bit more docile." "Listen, random person, we can't just kill him. First off, it was incredibly hard to make him real and make sure he makes it a full week. Secondly, we don't have the samples to make another!" Unit Eleven was way beyond pissed. "LISTEN HERE YOU $&@%S," He literally shouted, "THIS THING IS GOING TO GROW UP IN LESS THAN THREE DAYS. IF YOU DON'T BLOW THIS PLACE UP, THAN I WILL BE HAPPY TO DO IT MYSELF! IF THAT DOESN'T WORK, LOOKS LIKE HUMANITY IS NEXT ON THE MENU. IT'S YOU OR THAT CREATURE. WHICH DO YOU CHOOSE?" This seemed to make them realize that their experiment has gone far out of their reach. There was a pause that led to them saying, "Fine, we will send a retrieval team. Along with that we will be sending special planes in to bomb the place, and kill him. The bombing planes will be there in about five minutes, and the retrieval team will arrive in about 10 minutes. Any further questions?" "No." me and Unit Eleven said at the same time. The radio beeped, showing that they had ended the call. "How did you know that he is about to have a major growth spurt?" I asked Unit Eleven. "I could hear you and the recorder from the kab I was in. Things echo around here pretty easily. Also the weapon finished charging while Log 6 was finishing, so if he comes round while we're going to the back door we should be able to defend ourselves." he responded. This was a bit comforting, knowing that we finally had something that didnm't make us defensless against that creature. We left the labs, and went down the hallway a bit before coming across a map that was in a bit better condition that the last wall map. It showed that the closest exit is about 3 minutes away, which was perfect, and what was even better it was just down this hallway after a turn through a blast door that should be open.

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