Chapter 4: Iris & Ivy

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Hell, Nov. 13th 2016 @4:25 PM. It's been four years since The Hand took his loved ones, and ever since he's been training vigorously. He held his promise close to his heart, which caused him to never skip a day.

Over the years, he's had more exercises stacked on top of each other, and they only kept getting tougher. His original pushups, situps, and jumping jacks were now at 1,575 each. He's also incorporated weight training as well. As time went on, these things were becoming easier by the second.

Genji has also had a major change in appearance. He's eaten way more during these last four years, which caused a massive growth spurt. From 5'2 just four years ago to 6'3. His body was very chiseled, but you wouldn't be able to tell under his shirt. His teeth changed to shark-like as well. Whether this change happened from his diet or genetics is unknown.

Currently, Genji was waiting outside of his school, Korzoth High. He wasn't in class today because he had other things on his mind and wouldn't be able to focus.

By the dozens, students came flooding out of the doors to bundle up in school buses or cars, some were close enough to home to just walk.

Genji continued to stand there, leaning back on a handrail until he saw two familiar girls.

"Genjiii! There you are!" One of them exclaimed as she picked up her pace towards him.

"How come you weren't in school today? Art is super boring without you." The other girl said, hurrying as well.

"I bet it was, proud you made it out alive though."

The two girls stood by Genji, and they were sisters. Iris is a bit taller than her sister, and she's older. She has shoulder-length blonde hair and gray eyes. Ivy's hair is also shoulder-length but black, her eyes are brown.

They did their usual handshakes and set off on their walk back home.

"I know I say this often, but your guy's genetics are all out of whack. Are you sure your mom didn't grab vials from two different guys?"

"It doesn't get any funnier the more you say it, jerk!" Ivy said, playfully punching his arm as they all shared a laugh.

"He has a point, even I wouldn't guess we're sisters. Then again, he's been saying that since day one." Iris added on.

Genji remembers that night all too well. It was almost like fate wanted their paths to cross.


Hell, Dec. 8th 2012 @6:04 PM. He heaved air through his exhausted lungs. His dry mouth and throat made it hard to swallow his saliva, but he pushed through his mental and physical barricades.

For a few months now, Genji's been training himself. He was already noticing major changes in his body and overall mood, but supplied him with endless motivation to keep going.

This evening, however, he came across two lone girls standing by the curb under a lit streetlight. Neither of them spoke to each other, seemingly lost in their own world.

He would have gone past them if the time of day was any different, but his stomach churned at just the thought of some sick person snatching them away. He also figured a little break was in order.

He lightly jogged towards the two girls so as to not startle them.

"Heyoo! You two doing alright?" He asked from a few feet away.

The blonde one heard and noticed he was getting closer. Immediately, she shielded her black-haired sister who began to cower.

"Leave us alone, creep! Or else!"

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