Chapter 13: Dazzling Display of Power!

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Earth, Nov. 18th 2016 @6:47 PM. Genji ran and leapt up, the moon illuminating behind him. His arm was cloaked in a blazing blue flame that he slammed down on Alyssa, but she evaded with ease.

"You're still crazy slow, and predictable!"

Alyssa formed her scythe from demonic power and swiped with a mighty force, enough to cause twigs from the barren trees nearby to snap and fly off with the wind, but likewise, Genji ducked her attack. Alyssa anticipated this and snapped her fingers, leaving an echo in their ears.

This initiated something within Katrina and Amber, proof of it was that Katrina disappeared with lightning-speed.

Genji's arm was once again shrouded in fire, planning to jab it into her gut, but she deflected each strike with her scythe. He tried moving faster and unpredictably, but Alyssa knew exactly where to block each time.

Unexpectedly, Genji caught onto a glimpse of something shining in the dark, and due to his heightened level of hearing he caught onto a sharp pitch 'whizz' going through the air.

Is something...coming?!

Genji stopped himself mid-attack to lean backwards. He was glad to trust his senses, as a brightly-lit white dagger came from the shadows, and blazed past his vision, though for him, it was slow-motion.

While he narrowly avoided a fatal cut, it was a mere distraction from the main threat. Katrina flashed back into his side to catch him in his vulnerable state. She pulled her arm back and thrusted her palm into him.

Genji was sent skidding across the asphalt, covering at least 100 feet. In his rolling, he managed to get himself flat and dig his foot and hands into the ground, drastically slowing himself down. He looked up and saw her already a few feet away with her scythe raring to swing again.

"It's over, weakling!"

She brought it over Genji and went in for the kill, but he bounced back, resulting in the street receiving the hit.

"Hah! You missed me!" Before he could even touch the floor, chunks of street flew into the air while other sections pillared up, "I take back what I said!!" he shouted as he flew up in the sky.

Alyssa's eyes locked onto him, she inhaled deeply and launched her scythe. It sliced through the air until it caught up with Genji.

Genji spiked it back down to the floor, "hah! Was throwing it really the best thing you could think of?"

It plummeted to the ground, but with no warning, it skyrocketed back up. It forced itself into Genji's skin, deeply cutting him.

I really gotta stop talking.

The scythe kept going up with Genji stuck, blasting through clouds.

"Good save, Amber. You still got eyes on him?"


Amber moved her hands around in a mystical way. The dagger appeared by her side and she flicked her finger up in the air which commanded the dagger to fly up.

Genji tried ripping the scythe off of him, but it resisted every struggle. Genji saw the dagger rip through the clouds and approach him rapidly.

"Jeez, they really aren't letting up!"

Genji tightened his grip, and with an angered grunt, he ripped the scythe away from his body. He then timed his deflect with the dagger and sent it back down, though this was brief as it levitated its way back up.

"Hiyah! Hiyah!" Genji exclaimed with each hit. The metronomic rhythm with each hit was an interesting tune to him

"Darling, he's getting close to leaving Earth's atmosphere. Shall we let space consume him?" Amber asked, continuing to move her finger around.

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