Chapter 7: ...Came His Great Responsibility

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Earth, Nov. 14th 2016 @7:18 PM. Meanwhile, teenagers flocked to one lively house in the neighborhood. The bass could be heard through closed doors, and some were shaken by it. Chloe always had the best house parties in the area.

"Heyy, so glad you could make it. Make yourself at home." She said, greeting her guests at the door as she held it open.

One by one, pair by pair, people walked in to enjoy a night away from studying. But behind Chloe's welcoming smile, she was distraught.

"Jeez, why isn't he here yet? Doors opened at seven...wait, did I forget to tell him the time? No, I definitely did! I remember writing seven on his hand!" She told herself, but deep down she had her doubts.

Little did she know, Genji was in the area. In fact, he was on her neighbor's roof.

"Ok, stay cool, Genji. It's just an Earth party with humans, nothing to be worried about...Who am I kidding? Earth or Hell, human or demon, none of that matters. The only parties you were invited to were Zoey's. So...what are you gonna do?" He asked himself, unintentionally staring at Chloe.

"Oh well, guess I'll just wing it."

Genji stood up from his crouched position and began walking off the roof, he heavily overestimated how much roof was left before he had to jump off.


He shouted as he fell but safely landed on the bushes below. Chloe heard the shout, immediately looking towards the direction of it. She saw a tall man rise up from the bushes, patting himself off. She recognized his figure and was happy but also curious about what he was doing.

"That you, Lucas? You're sorta at the wrong house."

Genji silently and awkwardly chuckled to himself. He crossed her neighbor's and her front yard to get to the front door faster.

"I won't ask you what you were doing in Mr. Folkerson's garden, but I'm glad you could make it." She said she reached up and picked small twigs and leaves in his hair. Fortunately, she had on heels so it was easy to reach.

"Sorry about that...and sorry about my outfit? Wasn't sure if I needed to change."

"Don't worry about that, you look just great. All you need to worry about is having fun and making friends."

Chloe gently grabbed onto his wrist and guided him into her home.

"Well go on, enjoy yourself."

Genji walked into the nearly shaking home, surrounded by his peers. Some ate or drank, some were just talking, and some danced to the music. Others more explicitly than some, but they danced nonetheless.

Genji could feel his nervousness shape into sweat as he stood there, wondering if he should be here.

"Yoohoo! ¡Por aquí, apuesto!" A girl called out. Of course, Genji didn't know what that meant but he still looked.

"See, I told you he'd understand."

"Or maybe it was because you shouted at him."

"You're just a hater." The girl said before turning back to Genji. "Come sit with us, cariño"

Genji hesitated at first, but knew he would be fine since he's seen these girls before. He approached and sat down with the opening given to him, which was between the two girls.

"Heyyy, funny seeing you here, Imani." He said with a slight bit of nervousness in his voice.

"Why? Didn't take me for a party girl?"

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