Chapter 19: Find a Way Home

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Heaven, Nov. 19th 2016 @8:33 AM. Unaware of Earth's potential troubles, Genji and Zoey trudged around the fallen pieces of castle to reach the still-standing parts. The effects were beginning to hit Genji, and Zoey was feeling the worst of it but kept a neutral face. Amber was fine, however, and was on Genji's back still asleep.

"If only she would wake up already, I doubt we'll find an escape ship now." Genji said, panting.

"Let's go to the Queen's room. It would make sense for her to have an easy way out if someone were to storm the place." Zoey suggested, which he agreed to.

"Lemme guess, it's at the top?"

"That would make the most sense."

"Ughh, I'm never coming back here again!"

After a while, they reached the remaining part of the castle. With a newly open face to it, some of the rooms were revealed. There was a lot of broken equipment and shattered furniture as well, but they walked right past it and climbed the stairs.

"Hey, sorry about last night."

"It's not your fault, I should have expected they would come by to take me."

"No, well yeah, but I meant about dinner. It's probably long gone by now."

Her initial puzzled face turned into laughter, which Genji had hoped for.

"Jeez, you're worried about lasagna night?" She asked, wiping away a tear.

"Yeah, it was gonna be killer."

"I spent my night worrying about you. What took so long anyway?"

"Problem-mania. The man-hater Alyssa forced Amber and Katrina to help her kill me...also Katrina nearly flooded the city."

"Really?! Why?"

"She brainwashed them with her sin...did you know she had one?"

"Mmhm, it's on her leg. I always thought sins were rare, but I know so many people with them."

"Yeah, too bad you don't have one. Oh, but you do have something special though, right?"

"Something special? What do you mean?" Her tone shifted, but Genji didn't notice it.

"Amber had mentioned something special with you. In fact, she had complete faith you wouldn't be dead by the time we got here because something needed to be subdued first. She even knew we had that Interlace thing going on."

"Hm, interesting. I have no clue what she's talking about. It's all natural strength!" She said, flexing her arms in a front double bicep pose.

"Huh, well, I'm glad to know you can handle yourself."

"Totally...but can we not bring up the Interlace thing? I'm not a fan of it."

"Really? How come? I think it's a cool get it."

"You're right about it being a phenomenon, but the whole idea that we were destined to be with each other just because we were born at the exact same time near each other bothers you really think that Interlace is the only reason we're still together?"

Genji stopped at a landing before the next set of stairs, which resulted in Zoey stopping as well.

"I'm not going to let fate dictate my life or decide who I love. And the love I feel for you is real, not written by some higher power. You feel the same way, right?"

"Of course, Interlace or not, I would still love you."

They exchanged smiles in their brief heartfelt moment.

"Yeahhh...I wuv you too, Gehji"

Surprised at the sleepy Amber, they both chuckled and went back to the grueling incline. Genji thought nothing of it, but Zoey had jealousy looming over her.

At the very top, floor 100, was the grand hall. It reminded Genji of the front entrance to his house, with two curved staircases on each end leading to another landing and grand doors; he knew the Queen's room would be there.

"Nearly there, just one last staircase." Genji said with a hopeful grin.

Before taking the next steps to freedom, they saw the grand doors up top begin to open. Approaching the handrails was the same woman that tried to kill Amber.

"You just had to say something, didn't you?" Zoey said, giving a blank stare right at his cheek.

" should be dead! There was enough demon energy coming from Amber to wipe out an army of angels!"

"Fool, you're in my domain. It will take a lot more than that to have an effect on me."

"Oh, right, we're still here."

Genji groaned but shortly came up with an idea.

"Take Amber and find an escape pod, I'll meet you guys when I'm done." He said, slowly easing Amber into Zoey's hands.

"Are you planning on fighting her?"

"I doubt she'll just let us walk away, so yeah, pretty much. Do you have some other plan that doesn't have potential death included?"

Yeah! We can fight!!

No! Just be quiet!

Zoey shook her head in response, keeping a neutral face.

"Alrighty then! Let's get to it!" He said, pounding his fist into his palm.

Genji made the first move, jetting up to the girl. Fire swirled around him like a ribbon dancer midair. He landed in front of her and threw in his barrage of attacks. She effortlessly swiped his hands away which was starting to annoy him.

From the corner of his eye, he could see Zoey creep up the stairs in an attempt to remain hidden and sneak past the angel, but like Genji, she caught on as well. Zoey sped up when she got closer to the top.

"Oh no you don't!" She threw Genji off of her and went in on Zoey with a punch, but Genji recovered quickly and pulled her back by her legs.

"Hurry, Zoey!!"

She took the chance to open the doors and took quick glances around the only room that wasn't solid white throughout. Along with white there was gold and black highlights on the desks, walls, and shelves. Over on the left was a singular pod labeled 'emergency escape'. She dashed straight to it and slammed the button to open it.

The girl tried crawling, but Genji's weight was more than she could move efficiently with, so she bashed his face in with the bottom of her boots again and again until he released. She stood up in a scurry and went straight to Zoey, who was moments away from entering inside the pod. She would have made it in time to yank her out, but Genji came through with tackling her back down to the floor.

"Why are you still here?! Go!"

"I just got here!" She exclaimed with a stomp.

Zoey, fully inside of the pod, knew she was safe when the panel closed and she could no longer hear the roughhousing in front of her. The pod rumbled and shook for a moment, and rocketed down the tube below to leave Heaven. It was already configured for Earth, so all she had to do was stand and enjoy the ride.


The woman pushed Genji off of her once more. He was amazed by her strength as he was sent up midair, but landed on his feet.

"Now that Amber and Zoey are gone, I don't have to worry about keepin' 'em safe." He said, getting into his stance. The girl stood up as well with a deadly glare.

"That was your only way out. Even if I were to lose, you will succumb to Heaven's pressure. You will never leave here alive."

"That might be true, but I'll find a way!"

With that, the rising tension between them reached its climax, and they initiated their battle. 

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