Chapter 5: Life In a New World

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???, Nov. 14th 2016 @7:04 AM. For the entire day. Genji slept. The energy it took to transport him took a toll on him, so rest was required. He would have remained asleep for who knows how long until he started to catch on the metronomic sound of the city.

His eyes opened, but they closed in an instant, seemingly being blinded.

"Agh, jeez, why are the lights so bright?"

He slowly picked himself up, but noticed his palms weren't touching his bed, or anything else he recognized for that matter.

He slowly opened his eyes once more, which was a bit easier since he wasn't looking straight up. He realized he was on top of a roof, and the blue that surrounded him.

"No I? Is this Earth?!"

His eyes were fully opened, and his adrenaline kicked in. He quickly rose up, and knew it well enough that he had made it.

"Wow...It's just like what Katrina's beautiful here."

He looked around at the sky, but avoided the bright ball in the sky. He was amazed by the blue sky reflecting his eyes, and the odd shapes the clouds took on. Something else caught his attention, and it was by the roof's ledge. It was a backpack with a sticky note on top.

"Hey, champ. I hope you're finding Earth to be as comforting as you imagined. Did you know for every fifteen humans, there's one demon among them? Just goes to show how many of us move out. Anyway, you're starting your new life here and you have some big things ahead of you, but that doesn't mean you're exempt from your studies. You've been registered to Raven High School, just like Katrina. This is also to help you blend in as an ordinary student. Do your best, make lots of friends and memories, and remember to check in with us every once in a while. Knowing Mom she probably hasn't finished crying yet. With love, Dad...P.S, your new name is Lucas Tanaka, try to remember!"

Genji slightly smiled at the note, but his mind held onto the class starting time. He checked his phone and felt anxiety take over.

"Seven-ten?! Crap, I'm so gonna be late! Why wouldn't he put the address on here?!" He checked the other side of the sticky note. His relief was temporary as it turned to dismay when he read it.

"You probably thought I would put the address here. Sorry, but you'll have to learn where things are as you go...winky face."

Genji sighed and crumpled the note.

"He has a point. Wouldn't do me any good if I had to keep looking at a GPS all the time...Still, he could've given me that one."

He grabbed his backpack and set one foot on the ledge and looked down. He had to have been several hundred meters high, but continued to stare down at the depths of the city.

"Never really tested out my physical powers, so would I die from up here?...No way, I have so much to do."

He convinced himself, but the thought of death still lingered in the back of his head. Iris and Ivy's advice circled around his brain, which was enough to set him full gear.

"I can do it...I can do it...I can do it!!"

Genji pushed his foot off the ledge and jumped, soaring through the sky. He went much higher up than he thought. For a brief moment, he was excited, but started to regret it once he began descending.


His face pulled back due to the wind resisting him. He was dead set to belly flop into an alleyway below him, but after some struggle against the wind he managed to land safely in a dumpster.

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