Chapter 11: Where Home Is

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Earth, Nov. 18th 2016 @4:38 PM. For a few days now, Genji's life played out like normal. He would attend school, as well as his Ōkami duties. So far, it's just been small crimes that police would be able to handle, but whenever they wouldn't make it in time, he'd step in

Genji stayed with Zoey at her grandparent's house, grateful to know he won't have to sleep out in the open. They spent a lot of time together catching up, sharing stories, and even cooking. Zoey had learned the hard way that Genji shouldn't be in control making breakfast or dinner, even a simple sandwich left her feeling uneasy.

"C'monn, it's not that bad." Genji said, waving the ham and cheese through the air.

"Then you eat it." Zoey responded with.

"Fine, watch me. You're gonna be so jealous at how delicious this is." Genji said as he moved the sandwich closer to his mouth. He bit down on the soft, lightly microwaved white bread. The warm cheese melted in his mouth as did the black forest ham. The mayo made it a good balance.

For a moment, he was in bliss, but his tastebuds went into war against the putrid sandwich. One by one, the rancid components of the sandwhich took over his tastebuds and turned them against Genji. And soon, he was forced to spit the chewed pieces out.

"I thought that would happen."

"How the hell do I mess up a sandwich...sorry, I could've killed you there."

"You're fine, sweetie. All this means is I'll teach you how to cook...or make a proper sandwhich. You nail the presentation and smells, but taste is what matters," Zoey said as she opened the fridge door, scanning every item of food, "crap, we have nothing."

"Nothing? Surely there's something in there we can whip up." He said, looking in as well.

"We do, but tonight will be lasagna night," Zoey said as she opened a nearby drawer, grabbed a pencil and notepad and scribbled down some ingredients, "run to the store and grab all of these things. I'll get the water boiling and whatnot."

"How come you get to stay home while I have to run errands?"

"On the chance that you'll burn my grandparen's house down? Or somehow turn the water green? No thanks." She placed a hand on her hip.

"Ok, ok, I get it. You aren't scared I'll pick bad onions or peppers?"

"I do have faith in you, besides, I'm sure they have people to help you with that. Now get going, I wanna eat a.s.a.p."

"Ai ai, Cap'n."

Genji left the house and blitzed his way to the store. The sky was turning into a warmer color, but he tried not to let it distract him while he rooftop-jumped.

The cool air brushing past his face and hair never got old, and he's gotten used to the songs of the city-life. Outside of the cars, he liked to chime in to what the people like to say. It was usually people trying to get their names out there as artists, producers, or entertainers. But there was the usual wanna-be oracle on the street as well holding up a sign with some type of prophecy promising a grim future, always chanting the same things as well.

Mainly, it's for attention or an attempt to recruit people into joining their cult of superstitions, but there's always been this one man who never cared about what others thought or said, he even ignored those wanting to join them.

For days now, he's held up a sign with a date and the words 'Our end is approaching.' On it was a date, 4-27-2017. Genji had once asked why on that date, but never got a direct answer, just the chants.

"Judgement will pass! Judgement will pass! We who bear sins will face Judgement! Their hatred and resentment will erupt with the rage of a volcano, and crash down on us like a tidal wave! Judgement will pass! Judgement will pass!"

As far as Genji was aware, he's done this for several days and nights. He was becoming scrawny by the day, his voice was raspy and cracked, and his arms and legs trembled.

He couldn't help it, but every time his words echoed through the air, Genji felt a little choked up. It was like a countdown to April 27th to some formidable being arriving on Earth that'll ring the tolls of humanity's downfall.

As always, though, he kept on with his evening and entered the supermarket to pick up the ingredients. He scanned every shelf, and scruitinzed every vegetable to make sure he picked the best ones.

Out of curiosity, he wanted to see the toy section at any chance of seeing an Ōkami figure, and to some of his surprise, there were a couple.

From plushies to figures, Katrina nearly took up the entire section alone. He picked up a box labeled, 'The Ultimate Ōkami Set" inside were two well made figures of Katrina, one in a casual outfit and another in her Ōkami disguise. Along with that were different models of water that she could either hold or have propped somewhere else.

"Water, hm? Does that mean she used it when she fought? Pretty cool!" He said with a prideful grin.

He placed the box set down and continued his grocery shopping. He grabbed the last couple of things and went to checkout.

"Thank you for shopping with us, have a good day!" The cashier said with a radiating smile.

"Uh, yeah. You too." Genji said, smiling back.

Approaching the exit, all he could think about was how he would get home with so many bags without any ripping. The automatic doors parted ways...

...and his end stared coldy at him.

Genji's eyes widened a bit, facing the same enemies again. Two white-cloaked foes stood a few feet away from the door while a crowd of people recorded them and Genji.

Okayy, they're here again. A lot sooner than I thought too. They haven't moved at all, so I could probably catch them off guard and attack. But I might as well kiss my identity goodbye doing what can I do?!

Genji's head raced with ideas, all leading to poor outcomes. He didn't realize it until he was a couple inches off the ground, but he was trapped.

"Huh?! Hey!! The hell is this?!"

He tried breaking free, but the barrier expanded as far as his reach did.

Is this...a bubble?!

No matter how much he flailed, his clear and elastic prison never gave way. He was forced to approach the enemy, and at the same time, they began to walk away.

The crowds of phones and shocked expressions parted as well, giving them a lane to go through.

"Hey! You got the wrong guy or something! I'm supposed to be helping my girlfriend with lasagna tonight!"

One of the cloaks, the shorter one, turned around and gazed. Their cold eyes froze Genji's blood on sight.

"Silence, Genji Amasaki"

Hearing his true name gave him more reasons to worry about who these people were under the masks. Right after, the two cloaks jumped and soared through the air, and as if an invisible string was attached to them and the bubble, Genji was yanked along, being tossed around in his cage all the while.

Meanwhile, Zoey sat at the kitchen table, transfixed at the embers igniting the pot of violent water. She lifted her head off her arm, her cheek having the same pattern as the fabric of her knitted sweater.

Jeez...He must really be bent up on those bell peppers.

She stood up from her seat and turned the stove down to low, deciding to watch some TV while waiting for him to return.

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