Chapter 17: Sin of Sloth

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Heaven, Nov. 19th 2016 @7:59 AM. Around this time was when Regal claimed two lives on the upper level. But below were more people roaming the glistening halls.

"Every corner is just more white and doors...Have we been going in a circle?"

"Unlikely, that would require us to only turn in one direction, and we've alternated left and right."

"Right, but I think I'm gonna hurl."

"Hm, interesting. I wonder if demon males have a decreased endurance to an angelic environment."

"Probably, but I'm running on an empty stomach. I'm realizing I didn't eat breakfast."

"If your stomach is empty, then what will you throw up?"

"I dunno, my intestines? Nothing at all?"

"It was a trick question, you'll throw up a substance called bile. It's an alkaline substance that is secreted by the liver to help with dige-"

"Oh hey, a dissection room." Genji said as he opened the door.

"Don't interrupt me mid-lesson," Amber said, walking in behind after seeing the label of the room, confirming he wasn't just trying to get out of the discussion, "if I could express it, you would see how upset that would make me."

"Sorry, you can give me a lesson about bowel another day."

"It's bile."

"Potayto-Potahto, let's get to searching."

They observed the area, but one thing they couldn't keep ignoring was the horrific smell.

"Jeez, what kind of animals were they cutting up in here? And how long have they been here?"

Genji went over to a table and threw the sheet off to get a better idea, but was met with a gut-wrenching sensation. He knew it was a demon with all of the heart chambers, but her skin was sapped of all life and was beginning to crumble off the bone.

Unable to hold it in for any longer, he threw up a greenish yellow substance.

"That's bile." Amber said, approaching him to rub his back.

"I...I'm terrible..."

"Hm? Why is that?"

"I've been so caught up on trying to save you four that the fact other demons were suffering here went over my head...I forgot about my people."

"You can't save everyone, Genji. It's unfortunate, but that's the truth."

He wiped his mouth and straightened back up, "yeah...thanks for that."

"Of course."

Genji replaced the sheet and wished his fallen folk peace wherever they are. Down the hall was another room labeled 'Storage'. Upon first glance it sounded like where they would keep lab equipment, but Amber had a good feeling about the spot. She took the lead in walking down and he followed.

"Keep your eyes out for a black heart with orange horizontal lines, that's mine. But it'll likely be named."

"Your heart is black and orange? I bet Halloween is your favorite holiday."

"I did say Itsukami hearts are different...and yes, Halloween is my favorite."

Amber opened the door and was confronted with disappointment. A motion-sensing light flickered on and revealed nothing but tools, containers, and chemicals.

"I figured as much. It's probably in some super secret spot with, like, hundreds of locks."

"You are probably correct...but I can still feel it."

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