Chapter 2 || Family Problems

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"Shit." Said The Umbrella Academy in unison.

"Ben." Said Klaus chuckling.

"Is that really you?" Said Luther in a concerned but happy tone.

"And who are the weirdos on the balcony?" Yelled Diego who then earned a glare from Ben.

"They are the Sparrows. My children." Said Reginald proudly.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean your children?" Said Five.

"Thats not possible old man!" You said.

"Well of course it is! I would know, wouldn't I?" Said Reginald trying to prove your point.

"Everyone else can see Ben right?" Said Klaus happily pointing at Ben.

"Cute hat, sundance." Said Ben replying to Klaus' comment.

"They call themselves The Umbrella Academy. A group of scheming, perfidious malcontents, who accosted me in the fall of 1963 when I was away on business in Dallas. Be warned, they claimed to be my spawn." Said Reginald.

"Claim? Look, Five what the hell is going on?" Said Allison in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah Five, what the hell is going on?" You said continuing Allison's sentence.

"I don't know yet, but it's concerning." Said Five.

"Is he telling the truth?" Said a tall and muscular black man.

"No, well yeah. Just not the part about us being perfidious." You said.

"No we're amateur-fidious, at best." said Klaus stopping you mid sentence.

"But we are his children and this is our house." said Vanya.

"Yeah yeah, we grew up here." said Luther.

"Yeah yeah, we grew up here." Mocked a boy with messed up face, making a girl with sunglasses and scars snicker.

"I kind of think we would've noticed you." Said a pretty girl talking to Luther.

"Hi, I'm Luther." Said Luther trying to introduce himself to the pretty girl.

"Okay, none of you belong here." Said Allison in a determined tone.

"Oh..! Well then I guess we'll just pack our bags and move out." Said the girl with sunglasses and scars. This comment annoyed you and caused you to roll her eyes.

Then the floating cube started speaking, but none of you understood whatever the hell he's trying to say. But whatever it is it sure made the Sparrows laugh.

"You slay me Chris." Said Ben.

"I wasn't expecting company. This is the best I could do on short.. short notice." Said Grace in a draining tone.

"Mom." You said in a worried tone.

"Mom? Shes a robot you idiot" Said one of the Sparrows, making the other Sparrows chuckle.

"Don't call her that." You in an annoyed tone.

"Or what?" Said Ben.

"Why don't you come closer and find out." You said while approaching Ben.

"Y/n! Guys, chill!" Yelled Vanya. Luther at the same time stopped you by putting his arm in front of you, blocking your way.

"Think I'm afraid of a girl like you?" Said Ben proudly.

"Hey!" Said Luther determined to protect his sister.

"Stand down Ben." Said the tall and muscular black man next to him.

"Look at that! He's got a voice!" Said Luther.

"How about I hide that big rubics cube up your ass." said Diego.

"Enough! I don't know what circus you people escaped from, or how you got past our security, but we're done here. You got thirty seconds to get out of our house." Said the tall and muscular black man.

"And if we don't?" Said Allison raising and eyebrow at him.

"Then we'll have to settle this the old fashioned way." Said the tall and muscular black man.

Then the Sparrows got ready. Bone cracking, jumping jacks, and more. I mean honestly, who do these assholes think they are?

"Look, we just fought a literal army. This doesn't need to get ugly. Lets all just calm down and talk." Said Vanya trying to get everyone to calm down.

"Psst. Benerino." Said Klaus making Ben look at him.

"You look so much better alive than you do dead am I right!?" All the attention then turns to Klaus. "Except for that haircut." Said Klaus making the Sparrows confused.

"What the hell did you just say!?" Said Ben angrily.

"Klaus..!" You said in a singsongy tone trying to stop him before he makes a scene.

"Come on, stop with all the hostility Mr. Grumpy Pants." Said Klaus.

"Oh God, This isn't going to end well." You said to herself.

"Oh wow nice scar—muy macho." Said Klaus trying to touch the scar on Ben's face.

"Shut your mouth!" Said Ben clearly annoyed.

"Klaus come on..!" You whispered to him trying to get his attention.

"You shut your mouth and just hug your brother!" Said Klaus going in for a hug.

Ben then punched him in the face making you angry.

"Hey! What the fuck Ben!? You didn't have to punch him!?" You yelled at him.

"Oh I'm pretty sure did!" Ben yelled back.

"Damn right he did." Said the tall and muscular black man.

"Hey get back!" Said the tall and muscular black man to Luther trying to escape.

Luther then threw a punch at him but he was quick and dodges it, then he kicked Luther making him fly back and land on Klaus.

"Bad touch, Luther! Bad touch!" Said Klaus slapping Luther on the back trying to get him off.

The fight then begins.


How did I do? Please don't hesitate to correct me in any of my grammar or spelling errors. Thank you!

Sparrow Ben Hargreeves x Fem!Reader || The Umbrella Academy 3Where stories live. Discover now