Chapter 13 || Softie

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After drinking drinks with Klaus, you headed upstairs to your room and took quick nap.

Luther's POV:

Ben wanted to talk to me. Other than me sneaking in to their house, I wonder what else he wanted to talk about.

"Listen I'm sorry man I didn't mean to creep in to your house, don't blame Sloane." I said.

"What's your game." Said Ben.

"Big fan of Yahtzee." I said smiling like an idiot.

"You know old Ben would have laughed at that joke." I said disappointed with his reaction.

"Okay, Gigantor out with it." Said Ben taking a seat.

"What's with your family and their weird brother Ben fetish?" Said Ben.

"He.. you were the best of us and you died to soon." I said.

"You know, when you died Y/n she- she never left her room. She would always lock herself in it crying for ages." I said.

"She never accepted the fact you died. She always thought you were still somewhere out there." I said.

"She loved you Ben." I said.

"Look, It doesn't matter. Just know we were never the same without you." I said.

"So I'll take every second of whatever version you got." I said.

"I'm not him you moron." Said Ben.

It was silent for awhile. We all just stared at eachother not knowing what to say.

"Wait- she loved me?" Asked Ben.

"Yeah. I mean- not you. Our Ben. Well maybe she loves you? I don't know maybe you should ask her. I mean I see the way she looks at yo-" I said.

"Okay! I get it. Shut up." Ben yelled.

"You know maybe- maybe there's a little bit of him inside of you." I said desperately.

"Nope. Nope. Not at all." Said Ben.

"Well genetically you are the same person. Just raised in a different environment." I said.

"Oh here we go." Said Ben while getting up.

"The old nurture versus nurture argument." Said Ben.

"You know, if you keep acting like this Y/n won't like you back." I said.

"What do you mean?" Said Ben.

"Don't deny it buddy. I see how you look at her." I said.

"Deny it but I'm telling the truth." I said pointing my finger on his chest.

"Okay, I've already had one big dumb brother telling me what to do I don't need another. But, the team might." Said Ben before removing my finger from his chest.

What did he mean by that?

"Grace!" Yelled Ben.

Then Mom came in holding a box. She was missing an eye.

"Mom! Are you alright?" I asked.

"Of course. Why do you ask?" Said Mom handing me the box before leaving.

"Open it." Said Ben.

I opened it. It was a uniform. The Sparrow Academy? Then it hit me.

"I-I can't take this." I said.

"Oh my God!" Said Sloane shocked.

"Are you serious?" Said Sloane.

"I'd rather have him with us, than against us." Said Ben.

"Well.. aren't you gonna try it on? You're about Marcus' size." Said Ben.

"I'm honored. Really I am. But I'm still an Umbrella." I said.

"Are you?" Said Sloane before walking towards me and holding my arm.

"You can stay as long as you like." Said Ben before leaving the room.

Y/n's POV:

You woke up from your nap and went downstairs but.. no one was there. You looked everywhere but no one was found.

You decided to try and talk to Ben again. Once again, you went to The Sparrow Academy, flew up to his window, and knocked on it.

"Ben!" You said.

The curtains were closed so you decided to knock the window again.

"Bennn!" You said.

The curtains then opened.

"Y/n!?" Said Luther.

"Luther!?" You said.

Luther then opened the window helping you in.

"What on earth are you wearing?" You said.

"Oh uh.. Its nothing." Said Luther clearly nervous.

"What are you doing here!?" You said.

"I could ask you the same thing!" Said Luther.

"She's got you there buddy." Said Ben leaning on the doorframe.

"I uh- I have to go.. uh.. I have to go check on Sloane." Said Luther before leaving.

"So.. what are you doing here Y/n?" Said Ben.

"I.. I was hoping to talk to you. About what happend." You said.

"What happend again?" Said Ben.

"Your joking right?" You said.

"Maybe. Maybe not." Said Ben.

Ben then took a seat on his bed. He gestured for you to sit next to him and so you did.

"Is it true that you would lock yourself up in your room crying when I died?" Asked Ben.

"How did you know that?" You asked.

"Just tell me." Said Ben.

"Well, yeah." You said.

Fei then walks in.

"Ben- oh! Didn't know we had company." Said Fei.

"What do you want Fei." Said Ben.

"Family meeting. Downstairs. But this time don't bring your lady friend." Said Fei before leaving.

Ben the groaned before taking one last look at you. Ugh. His eyes are so dreamy. I could stare at them all day.

Once Ben left, you opened the window and flew back out.

You still wondered why he was so nice to you. I mean, he was such an asshole to your other siblings but to you? He seemed like a complete softie.


How did I do? Please don't hesitate to correct me in any of my grammar or spelling errors. Thank you!

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