Chapter 14 || Oblivion

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Once you arrived back at the hotel, you heard distant fighting. You decided to go towards the fighting and it was Diego and Lila.

"Whats going on?" You said while walking in.

"Stanley's been blitzed!" Yelled Lila.

You just stood there. Speechless. Stanley's gone. Just like that.

You left the room while Diego and Lila were still fighting.

You went downstairs and saw Five sitting at the bar.

"Five! Hey! Can I show you something?" You said.

Five then nodded his head and followed you into the suite.

Once you two got there, Five stood there in shock.

—"Stanley's gone Diego! He's been blitzed!" Yelled Lila to Diego.

"Congratulations, you're both midly terrible parents." Said Five sarcastically.

"Can we focus!? Come on, how did this thing open before?" You asked gesturing to the door.

"I don't know I just found it open." Said Lila.

"Why'd you wanna go in there anyway? It's just sushi and death." Said Lila.

"When I- we met future me in the commission bunker, I warned myself about the Oblivion." Said Five pointing at the door.

"Now, Pogo told me-" Said Five.

"Wait Pogo is alive?" You asked.

"Different Pogo, but yes the monkey said Dad spent years training The Sparrows for some kind of super secret mission into.." Said Five gesturing to the door.

"Oblivion?" Said Lila.

"So, I come back here and find that you two have actually been in there." Said Five.

"Everything is leading to Oblivion so, we have to go in there." Said Five.

"Hell no! Not happening." Said Diego.

"We barely got out alive." Said Lila.

"Yeah so what? This is about more than just you two." Said Five.

"Said the guy with all his fingers! I didn't get this by giving a mummy a hand job, alright?" Said Diego while pointing to this two missing fingers.

"I went in there and lost my fingers to this thing with- with a knife on a chain." Said Diego.

"Hey, look. Diego might be 90% moron and 10% pelvic thrusts, but he's right about oblivion okay?" Said Lila earning a glare from Diego.

"We're not gonna waltz in there just
because you say so." Said Lila.

"Good because you're coming with us." Said Luther who had just arrived with Sloane.

"This should be interesting.." Said Five.

"Where to?" You asked.

"The Sparrow Academy." Said Sloane.

"The world is ending so I think it's time we put our petty bullshit aside, and work together on this Kugelblitz." Said Luther.

"Yeah or what?" Said Diego.

"Or Stanley won't be the last of us to disappear." Said Lila before walking away.

You all left Hotel Obsidian and went to The Sparrow Academy. When all of you arrived at The Academy, all of you waited for Ben and Fei in the living room.

"Welcome, please make yourselves at home." Said Fei walking in.

"Bitch, this is our home." Said Allison.

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