Chapter 7 || Drawing

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After a lot of roaming around the house, you decided to check your old room.

When you opened the door, the first thing you saw was a poster of Ben.

"Well looks like it's not my room anymore." You said to yourself.

You entered the room, you didn't really mind closing the door. The room has a nice light blue wallpaper, and the bed is neatly made.

Ben's desk was full of beautiful portraits which made you shocked. You didn't know Ben could draw? I mean, sure he likes to read but draw?

You grabbed a sheet of paper, and a pencil. You sat on Ben's bed and started sketching. After what felt like an hour of drawing you finished the sketch you made.

You then saw Ben leaning at the door, smirking at you.

"What are you smirking at.?" You said while looking at him.

He didn't answer you.

"Didn't notice your new hair, it suits you." Said Ben.

"Thanks I guess.." You said.

It was dead silent for about 5 seconds. 'What do I do?' You thought to yourself. Maybe you should compliment him back. Yeah. That's the least you could do.

"Nice drawings by the way, never knew you were good at that kind of stuff." You said.

"I'm good at everything." Said Ben causing to roll your eyes playfully.

He then sat next to you.

"Whats that?" Said Ben pointing to your sketch.

You didn't answer, you just stared at your sketch.

Ben then snatched your drawing from your hands and stood up.

"Hey!" You trying to take it from him.

"Is this me?" Said Ben chuckling.

"No asshole, that's our Ben not you." You said taking the drawing back.

"Well, he looks handsome." Said Ben before taking a seat beside again.

"He is isn't he.." You said smiling at your sketch but also not realizing that you said that aloud.

"Wait so you think I'm handsome? I mean, I sure do look like him." Said Ben causing you to smile at him.

You then made eye contact with him, you got lost in his stupidly beautiful dark brown eyes.

He started leaning in for a kiss. You don't know why, but theres this strange feeling thats pushing you to kiss him back. Your lips are inches away from touching.

"Ahem ahem." Said Fei knocking the door.

"Shit." You said quietly.

Ben then gestured for you to hide under his bed.

You quickly slid under his bed without making a noise.

Ben then sat down on his desk pretending to sketch something.

Fei lets herself in.

"What now Fei? Can't you see I'm busy." Said Ben in an annoyed tone.

"Family meeting. Downstairs." Said Fei.

"Ok just go, I'll be there." Said Ben.

"And bring your lady friend." Said Fei grinning.

"What? What do you mean?" Said Ben confused.

Fei then walked towards Ben's bed and looked under it, and there lying she revealed.. you.

"Heyy.." You said while awkwardly smiling.

You then got up and sat on Ben's bed. How did she know?

"How did you know?" Asked Ben.

Fei then pointed to one of her birds on the window.

"I'm always watching." Said Fei while smiling maniacally.

Ben then groaned tiredly and stood up from his desk to follow Fei, him gesturing for you to follow him.

"Go, I'll catch up." You whispered to Ben.

You're still sitting on Ben's bed, deep into your thoughts. Why did he lean closer? Does he like me?

No, no, I mean that's impossible. Sparrow Ben is an asshole. He's just teasing me. And besides, those feelings are for our Ben and for our Ben only, right?

After a bunch of thinking you went downstairs to go check out what this 'Family Meeting' is all about.

—"You were basically screaming for help." Said Jayme.

"I wasn't actually screaming, I was kicking his ass." Said Alphonso.

"You couldn't breath but—" Said Jayme talking to Alphonso.

You walked into the living room. It was suddenly silent. Did Fei tell everyone what happend? Oh God.

"Doesn't look like your family is coming anytime soon." Said Fei.

"Can't believe those assholes forgot about us." You said.

"Oh no, I'm sure they're just- you know working out the final details and such.." Said Luther in a nervous tone.

"Relax, both of you are free to go." Said Ben.

"What, why?" You asked.

"Gesture of goodwill. But I want both of you to pass along a very important message to your family." Said Ben.

"Yeah, of course." Said Luther.

"Let Marcus go. And if any of you hurt one hair on him, we'll come for you. All of you. And I promise, we won't be so hospitable next time." Said Ben in a determined tone.

"You'll do as we say or else.." Said Fei releasing birds from her back.

—"Or else Fei's birds are gonna peck the eyes out of my brother, and make a nest out of his skull. Yeah. We know." You said finishing Fei's sentence.

"Don't forget both of your tote bags." Said Ben snapping his fingers gesturing for Alphonso to get them.

Alphonso then handed both of you your tote bags.

"Hope both of you enjoyed your stay." Said Ben.

You and Luther were about to leave when Ben tapped your shoulder.

"Hey uh- Y/n, can I talk to you?" Said Ben.

"Sure, shoot your shot." You said.

—"In private." Said Ben looking at Luther.

"Go, I'll follow you." You said to Luther.

Luther then left the house. What did Ben want from me?

"What is it, Ben?" You said eager to leave.

"Look. If you ever want to come back here and finish what you started, please. Feel free to. Okay? I don't want you to see me as your enemy." Said Ben while holding your arm.

"Oh uh alright.. bye?" You said confused.

Since when asshole Ben get soft? Or is he just tricking me? I don't know. Ugh. I have to stop whatever this is.

You then left the house, not knowing what to do next.


How did I do? Please don't hesitate to correct me in any of my grammar or spelling errors. Thank you!

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