Chapter 3 || Round One

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The fight then begins.

You then ran off to help whoever needs it.

"You're alive. Thats.. great. Or possibly horrible! I'm not really sure yet." Said Five.

You overheard this comment and by the looks of it, you knew that he was talking to Ben. So you decided to join whatever the hell was going on between the two.

—"Thats kind of a weird smack talk." said Ben to Five.

"It's more of an existential problem Ben." You said stopping Ben mid sentence.

He then releases one of his tentacles, but you quickly dodged it and used your powers to stop the tentacles from capturing you.

"You know, even though you're a total asshole now." You said still holding off Ben's tentacles.

You then felt a beak pecking on your back causing you to stop holding off Ben's tentacles.

You realized this late since you were so focused on the birds pecking your back.

You then got those cheeky birds to stop pecking your back by using the force of your power to push them back, you then turned to Ben and started flying using your powers.

—"It's nice seeing you again really." You said finishing your sentence.

You then turned to your left to see a floating cube floating next to you. The cube looks like he's saying something to you, but you don't understand a single thing he's trying to say.

Your confusion then stopped when Diego jumped on top of the floating cube.

"Who's your daddy? I'm your daddy!" Said Diego while punching the cube and floating along with it.

You then shook your head and rolled your eyes at him like he's your child.

The floating cube then spun around making Diego dizzy causing him to land on the balcony unconscious.

You then saw Allison on the floor with a bleeding nose. The guy with a messed up face was about to hit her but you used your powers to pull Allison towards you, then picked her up bridal style and flew to the balcony to put her down.

"You okay sis?" You asked Allison.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks." Replied Allison.

You were about to say "You're welcome." But you were then cut off by Five.

"Hey, you guys okay?" Asked Five.

"Yeah we're fine, you?" You said.

"Never better." Said Five in a Sarcastic tone.

You, Five, and Allison were about to leave when a girl suddenly showed up.

"Hey, short pants. What's up?" Said a girl referring to Five, as 'Short Pants.'

"Go, help the others. I'll handle this one." Said Five in a determined tone.

"You sure?" You asked Five.

"Yes, I'm sure. Go!" Said Five.

You then went down to go help the others thinking they've got it under control when in reality, they didn't.

Klaus was being suffocated by Ben's tentacles. Yelling "We're hugging! Thats progress!"

Diego was still spinning on that floating cube.

Luther was being beaten up by the tall and muscular black man.

While Vanya was levitating because of gravity barbie.

You decided to go help Klaus since he's desperate.

"Hey Ben!" You yelled trying to get Ben's attention.

He then dropped Klaus and turned his attention to you.

"What do you want!?" Said Ben.

"Oh nothing.. just.." You then pushed him into the champagne closet with your powers.

After a while, all of you decided to run out of the house since they're too strong.

Once you guys were out of the house, You realized that Vanya was missing. Maybe your bad habits aren't so bad at all.

"Shit. Vanya." You said to herself running off to go get her.

"Where are you going!?" Yelled Allison.

"Vanya is alone! She needs help just go!" You yelled back.

"No Y/n don't!" Said Allison, but you already ran off to find Vanya.

You got to The Sparrow Academy then saw Vanya on the floor trying to get up. She was surrounded by the Sparrows. You then used your power's force to push them back making them fall on their backs.

"Y/n! I had it under control" Said Vanya in a worried tone.

"Mhm.. sure." You said doubting Vanya.

You then flew up with the help of your powers, your eyes turning hot pink, you then used your power's force to push them all to the side of the living room, after that you carried Vanya bridal style and flew away.


How did I do? Please don't hesitate to correct me in any of my grammar or spelling errors. Thank you!

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