Chapter 5 || Boomer

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Ben's POV:

Me and the rest of The Sparrows are currently working out at our gym, talking about our encounter with those idiots that calls themselves The Umbrella Academy.

"Big one is strong but slow, possibly stupid. He's also some sort of.. simian hybrid." Said Marcus.

"Who took the little jumpy guy?" Asked Sloane.

"Me just gave him a spanking and sent him to school." Said Jayme smiling and earning a high five from Alphonso.

*Christopher speaks.*

"I gotta say though, the one with some sort of witchery powers is the hot one." I said smirking.

"I mean you're not wrong." Said Fei laughing.

"And the skinny one is their weak link." Said Fei.

"Unless hiding behind couches shouting "Where's my daddy!?" Is his superpower." I said.

"Ok, Enough post-gaming. They disrespected us Marcus! We need to be out there finding these freaks and taking them out." I said in a determined tone.

"Oh you mean like this?" Said Marcus while turning the TV on and showing them what happened earlier.

It was footage of the 'Hot One' pushing us with her power's force.

"Can someone explain how you got your asses handed to you in 30 seconds? Do you have any idea what would happen to our reputation if anyone had seen that!" Said Marcus angrily.

We all just stood there. Silent.

"I mean we haven't faced decent enemies for years. This could be good for us! Good for business! But only if we're smart with our next move." Said Marcus.

"Smart with our next move? We can't get to her since she's so fast with her moves!" I said.

Dad then came in clearing his throat to get our attention.

"You summoned, Number One?" Said Dad.

"Sit." Said Marcus gesturing at a chair.

"You spent time with these people, what's your assessment?" Said Marcus.

"Unimpressive neanderthals on a day pass. Cried too much and showered too little. The only thing they lacked more than gift was any regard for one another." Said Dad.

"No loyalty.. we can use that." I said.

"Good. Give a full report to Christopher." Said Marcus.

*Christopher speaks.*

"Still, I wouldn't underestimate The Umbrella Academy. Yes their skills are as lacking as their hygiene, yet somehow they saved the world in 1963. If it weren't for them none of you would be standing here now. Perhaps I misjudged them." Said Dad.

*Christopher speaks in an annoyed tone.*

"Yes yes, I'm going." Said Dad while walking away slowly.

Y/n's POV:

It is now dark outside. All of you rested for awhile and cleaned up your wounds.

You headed to eat Chinese food downstairs with the boys.

"You should try chewing you might actually taste the food." Said Klaus.

"Yeah slow down Luther." You said while approaching the boys and taking a seat.

"I haven't eaten in days!" Said Luther.

"What's wrong- you look happy." Said Luther to Five.

"I am plenty happy. I had a nap and a shvitz, what else does a man need?" Said Five.

"Brothers who don't eat like barn animals." You said to yourself.

"So I've been thinking through our little timeline snafu, and I'm pleased to report that in my professional expert opinion we are totally in the clear." Said Five.




"So everything is totally fine?" Asked Luther in a curious tone.

"More or less. I mean there is one small thing, it's nothing we can't manage." Said Five while picking up a chopstick.

It was silent as we were waiting for Five to say something.

"So spit it out Boomer!" Yelled Diego while eating.

"Fine, Diego, It's like this. Dad didn't adopt us as babies but those babies still exist here, we just grew up in different places with different people." Said Five.

"So?" Said Diego clueless.

"So where are they now? Odds are, we each have identical versions of ourselves walking around out there living completely different lives." Said Five.

Luther lets out a dramatic gasp. "Our doppelgangers!" Said Luther.

"That's a made up word." Said Klaus.

"No, no! I learned all about this in Texas, tell him about the paranoid psychosis Five!" Said Luther excitedly.

"Oh whoa, whoa, whoa! I thought you said this wasn't a problem!?" Said Diego.

"Okay yes, technically if you're near your doppel for long you'll go insane. So if you ever see your other self-" Said Five.

"Kill them." Said Diego cutting Five's sentence.

"Be friends with them." You said.

"Sleep with them." Said Klaus.

"Avoid them!" Said Five clearly annoyed by us.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Said Luther talking to Klaus.

"Oh come on! As If you wouldn't climb Luther mountain." Said Klaus earning a disgusted groan from you.

"Wait how are we supposed to guarantee we don't cross paths with ourselves?" Asked Diego.

"Easy. We're the Benetton ad of superheroes born all around the world, until dad brought us here which he no longer did." said Five

"So the doppels probably aren't even in the same time zone as us." You said finishing Fives sentence.

"Exactly." Said Five.

"That's true." Said Luther.

After that you guys had a nice chitchat with eachother you know just normal sibling stuff. Then you were getting tired.

"Hey guys I'll head out, just gonna take a nap." You said.



"Have a nice sleep."


How did I do? Please don't hesitate to correct me in any of my grammar or spelling errors. Thank you!

Sparrow Ben Hargreeves x Fem!Reader || The Umbrella Academy 3Where stories live. Discover now