Chapter 10 || The Deal

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You, Viktor, Sloane and Luther arrived at the meeting place you and The Sparrows talked about to return Jayme and Alphonso's body and Sloane.

When The Sparrows arrived Luther carried the dead bodies and placed them at the trunk of their car.

"Well this is it, this puts an end to it." Said Viktor.

"No we want the old man too." Said Ben.

"What are you doing?" Asked Fei

"You wanted a plan, here it is." Said Ben.

"It's a stupid plan." Said Fei annoyed.

You scoffed. "Listen Ben, we aren't genie's in bottles whom you ask wishes from. The deal is the deal." You said.

"Oh! Didn't see you there. Did you dress up just for me?" He said sarcastically causing you to roll your eyes.

"He isn't a part of the deal." Said Viktor in a determined tone.

"Well he is now." Said Ben.

"Ben they aren't working with him. They had nothing to do with the attacks." Said Sloane clearly worried.

"Then they won't mind finding him and handing him over, its simple." Said Ben.

"Bring us the man who killed our siblings and this will all be over." Said Ben.

"If not.." Said Ben.

*Christopher speaks.*

You assumed that Christopher would release his powers like he did last time. I hope not. Last time he did that you got the worst headache ever.

The car ride to the hotel is silent since none of you know if you guys should've given them Harlan or not.

You guys arrived at the hotel after a while and headed to your own ways.

You headed straight to your room to sleep since today was awfully tiring.

Time skip, Its the next day.

You and Diego headed to Luther and Viktor who are having a conversation.

"So I just checked the perimeter were good, now we're gonna have to take turns." Said Diego while spinning his knife around.

Luther suddenly gasped dramatically looking at the back of Diego's neck.

"Oh my God what happened to you? Was it Harlan!?" Asked Luther.

"What?" Said Diego.

"The Sparrows were right he shouldn't be here he's dangerous." Said Luther.

"He's only dangerous because I made him that way. This is my problem and I appreciate your concern but I'm gonna figure it out. I'm gonna fix it." Said Viktor.

Allison then arrived causing all of you look at her.

You noticed that her cheeks were pretty red, and her knuckles were even more red.

"Whats going on?" Asked Allison.

"Oh my God he got you too!?" Said Luther talking about Harlan.

"Can you shut up for like 2 minutes Luther!? No, Harlan didn't do that Allison and Diego. They were fighting with some dudes last night." You said.

"How did you know that?" Asked Diego confused.

"Wait weren't you with us the whole time?" Asked Luther.

"Was I?" You said smiling.

"You okay?" Allison asked Viktor gesturing to his cut.

"Great you?" Asked Viktor.

"Never better." Said Allison.

All of a sudden a blue vortex pops out of nowhere making all of you confused.

Five and Lila then came out of it making you guys even more confused. Lila landed on top of Five causing you to laugh.

"Shoo." Said Lila pushing Five away from her.

"Where have you been?" Asked Viktor.

"Facing my mortality Viktor, I don't recommend it." Said Five while trying to stand up.

"You had the briefcase we've been looking for this!" Yelled Allison before walking towards the briefcase.

"Well look no further, thats the last one on Earth!... or was the last one." Said Five.

"Yeah thats toast." You said.

"Oh shit. Alright lets just get this over with." Said Five.

"Wait I'll be right back." Said Diego before walking away.

"Dieg- great. Lost another one." Said Five.

It was silent for awhile. Maybe a bit too silent.

"Spit it out five!" Yelled Allison angrily.

"Oh well since you asked so nicely sister of mine, our little paradox brought forth a freaking Kugelblitz." Said Five.

"What the hell is a Kugelblitz?" Said Viktor.


How did I do? Please don't hesitate to correct me in any of my grammar or spelling errors. Thank you!

Sorry this took me so long, I was busy for the last couple of days. Ill try to upload as fast as I can!

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