Chapter 19

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/Kathryn Shepard\

"Where the hell is she?!" I yell as we search Ashley's room.

"Commander, look at this drawing."

Garrus hands a painting of a Reaper firing a beam at a girl on a flying disk. While a team charges a beam with rubble around them and a ship flying away.

"Oh my god, I wonder what she thought when she was drawing this."

"Shepard, a note."

'Dear Commander Shepard for what is the last time I ever talk or write anything to you. I don't really care what you think about me after this but I am never coming back to the Normandy. Don't look for me, or I will not hesitate to do something drastic. Shepard I have nothing left for me, don't doubt what I will and will not do. No innocent will be harmed if you come looking for me, only you. I'll be fine Shepard, focus on the Reapers.

-Sincerely Commander Ashley Dawn-Shepard'

I tear the note up and sit on her bed.

"She really hates me Garrus, or that something is seriously wrong."

"Probably the second option, I mean she fought in one war and is fighting in a second and she isn't even eighteen! All her teenage life she has been in war, I wouldn't be surprised if she is getting to stressed or something."

I sigh, "Joker head to Tuchanka, we have a cure to give."

We land and I have to kill tons of husks. After fighting waves of Reapers we make it to the Shroud, and the Thresher Maw attacks the giant Reaper. Luckily Eve is alive and the cure is ready.

"Mordin, you don't have to do this."

"Shepard I have to do this, someone could get it wrong." The elevator goes up to the collapsing building.

"May you rest in peace." I see the room explode and a cure dispenses and little white flakes fall.

"Shepard thank you, Krogan forces will go to Palaven immediately."

I nod my head slowly an head back to the Normandy. I have a plaque ready for Mordin on the wall of everyone we lost. I don't say anything as we add it, I'm sad that he won't be able to help with the Crucible and he was a friend.

I read an email from the Dalatrass that says she wants to speak with me at the Citadel.

"Joker, set a corse for the Citadel."

When we get there Traffic Control doesn't answer, "Shit, something is wrong."

Turns out that Cerberus took control.

We land in front of C-Sec and kill all of the Cerberus troopers.

"Bailey how bad is the wound?"

"It looks worse than It actually is."

I nod my head and as he sets up a comm channel two messages come through.

One from Thane, saying that he Is heading where the councilor is and one is from Ashley, saying that she went with Thane and that Kaiden and Rose went to guard the council.

"Please God, don't let me loose any one important today."


Thane and I run as carefully and as fast as we can, but my ankle is weak and he is sick so we aren't that fast. I notice a familiar black outfit run towards the place we are heading.

"Leng," I growl and run faster.

When we get there Shepard is pointing her guns at Leng and I know he is about to shoot the Dalatrass.

"Shit, Thane he's going to shoot the Dalatrass!"

We drop down and Thane battles Leng, oh dear god this wont end well. I see his katanas come out and I block his blade attack with my biotic one.

"You aren't going to take anyone's lives today Leng." I fling him into a pillar but he just gets right back up. He doesn't give up does he.

Someone pushes me to the ground and I see Thane fall to the ground with a blade in his stomach. He saved me, and have his own life. My anger fills my body and I charge at Leng, I never really knew Thane but he saved me.

He sidesteps me and I slip off the edge and fall down a story. Someone lands by me and I slowly look up at Leng. His hand is glowing and it is pointed at me.

"Goodbye Commander, we thank you for your service."

Yells and gunshots is all I hear as I try to get over the pain in my ankle. He missed, is all I can think as there are voices around me.

"Ashley, can you stand?"

"Ya, he didn't get me."

I stare at the Commander who I left two days ago, I really hate fate.

"Lets go."

We climb into a car and chase after Leng, but he decides to land on top of our car. I climb onto the roof as jump onto his shuttle, I sabotage the engines but I am flung from the shuttle and I hit the water.

My head is throbbing and cloudy as I run out of air, why was I so stupid? My world fades to blackness uas I let out my last breath of air.

(Five votes for the next chapter, please, maybe, four possibly. :)

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