Chapter 18

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Over the next week as we go to each area to look for one thing or another I have become distant and I don't talk to anyone. I don't think they have noticed that, I spend most of my time drawing in my room.

(All of this chapter isn't in any of the games)

"Ashley, we are having a "we are still alive and it's time to take a short rest" party, everyone wants you to come," Joker says to me.

I contemplate this, seeing all of them will make them worry less but then they could try and make me be happy and will ask what's wrong. Wait, they'll do that anyway.

"Fine," I finally say. I change into my clothing armor and walk out, turning off the shields of course but leaving my barriers on. I walk slowly to whatever restaurant we are going to, I don't want to go.

"Ashley glad you're still alive," Garrus shouts. I keep my face emotionless and don't say anything.

"Ashley what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong Shepard, just Garrus shouldn't make jokes like that."

"I agree with you, but seriously what is wrong?"

"Like I said nothing," and all conversation ends.

"I'll have the ramen," I tell the waiter.

Everyone else orders and as we wait for our food I hear a gun shot.

"Shepard, gunshot." She looks around before I hear more gunshot.

"There is non Ashley, just try to relax."

I stare at the woman that's in front of me, she never says to relax especially fight now. A voice echoes through the restaurant.

"Commander Shepard, caught without any armor of guns. The whole crew and her squad, and the Protheon. I thought you never relaxed commander, and I don't think you ever will again."

Kai Leng, he has to ruin this! I activate my shields and reach for my dagger, never leave home without it.

"Who are you?" She asks, trying to think of someway to get as many people out alive as possible.

"Your doom."

I cloak and sneak to the back of the restaurant, luckily I have a hood on my armor. I completely cloak my body and take out all of the guards.

"No you aren't Leng, I'm your doom." He turns around and gets a face full of my biotic fist. He flies backward and turns to me with his katanas in hand.

I pull out my biotic dagger and another regular one I have. We have a fierce sword battle until Shepard gets back with everyone in armor.

"Put your hands up, both of you!" Leng shoots all of them backwards and runs towards the exit, I try to run after him but my ankle is still weak. I throw a tracker on his leg and collapse to the ground, holding my ankle.

I uncloak and Shepard runs over to me, "Ashley?!" I don't let any tears fall and I slowly stand up.

"Who else would it be?" I limp back to the Normandy, I try to hide my pain. Showing pain is showing that you are weak, that you can't take war. Normally I would have someone carry me back but that would show weakness.

There are footsteps behind me as I walk back to the Normandy but I ignore them.

"Ashley stop!"

I finally reach the Normandy and as the elevator closes I turn my head away from everyone that is running after me. When I reach the third deck I limp back to my apartment and lock my door.

"EDI don't let anyone in."

"Of course."

People are knocking on my door but I don't answer. I know I can't run away from this problem like I did all the other times I fought with the crew, or didn't want to face Shepard but- wait. I'm still on the Citadel!

I pack everything that is in my cabin. I don't want to leave Shepard but I can't stay here. I am in no shape to fight and I don't want them nagging on me.

I left a note, saying that I'm leaving and not coming back. Not to try and find me because there are more important things going on.

I see a ladder and I climb down, I'm in engineering. I take the elevator to deck two and sprint as fast as I can off of the Normandy and towards my apartment. Luckily I decided to keep renting it, I guess that I knew I would come back.

When I reach my apartment I close my door and collapse on my bed. For the first time in weeks I cried.

(Can I please have maybe three-five votes for the next chapter. I am sad that when I put so much work into this story that people just read it to, I don't know read and don't really care that someone puts every waking minute into their stories.

I don't usually right that I need votes but if my readers actually like my story please vote. I need the vote because it says that I'm doing something right, not having any says that I'm wasting my time and I should stop. So please vote.)

Ashley Shepard, Forgotten HeroWhere stories live. Discover now