Lie Detector Test 2 (S.S)

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Sadie x female smut!
(Part 2)
Warning: includes talk about drugs and homophobia

"So you've never smoked weed before?" Sadie asks, taking another puff from the joint she brought. The both of you have been talking for awhile, while smoking the joint she brought to your room. As you sat on the balcony of your hotel room, you had started to open up to her a little more after smoking.

"I mean, no. But I had opportunities to, I just never took them. Y'know my mom being on my shoulder all the time." You say back, grabbing the tip of the joint and taking another puff, "I mean, my mom is great and all, but she always just follows my dad's lead, which sucked for me growing up." You take another puff and hand it back to her, your fingers grazing her soft hands.

"What was your childhood like? I feel like we never really talked about that." she looks over to you, as you look out to the night sky, looking at the bright colors of the city, then looking down and fiddling with your fingers, "hey, you can tell me anything, plus c'mon I know you feel good right now." she smiles and laughs, you look to her and look at her in her eyes, and smile.

"I mean yeah, my childhood was just full of me doing whatever my siblings did, I played a bunch of sports, and when I got to high school, I realized I really liked acting, so I got into community theater and got an agent and started doing commercials and little cameos in shows." you shuffle your seat closer to her, so your knees are touching. She looks into your eyes, listening intently to what you were talking about, "so when I got the call about being in Stranger Things, I was ecstatic, I mean I remember the exact moment I got the call, I was with my girlfri-errr friend." you stutter and laugh nervously, while you move your eyes to look at Sadie's lips quickly moving them back to her eyes, you didn't think she noticed, but she did, "anyways, heh, I was studying for a test that was coming up, and I picked it up, and drove home super quickly. I was 16 and it was honestly a good time in my life to get away from everything." your voice breaks, and Sadie puts her hand on your knee, sending a shiver up your spine.

"Do you want to talk about it? I mean I can kind of relate with the sibling stuff, but I mean with what was happening at that time in your life." she flicked the tip of the joint off the balcony with the hand she was holding it in, since it was done.

"Yeah! Definitely" you chuckle, really feeling the high, "it's so stupid, but like my parents really didn't care about my passion for acting, so I had to pay for my agent and the fees myself, so I was working 5 days a week at a grocery store, and after I told my parents I drove there and found the manager that practically hated me, and I quit in her face. It was the best feeling ever." you finish, looking at Sadie's hand on your knee, you put your hand on top of hers, interlocking your fingers, "there's something else that happened though." you look into Sadie's eyes, here goes nothing.

"What's that?" she smiles and laughs. You laugh back, the tension and butterflies that you felt in your stomach were really just adding to the weight that was about to be lifted off your shoulders.

"Well, the day that my mom and I landed in Atlanta, I had this urge to be open with her about something I had never told anyone, I mean other than my close friends" you look away from Sadie's eyes down to your lap, "I'm sorry if this changes your opinion on me, or if you find yourself being uncomfortable with me." Sadie picks up your hands that were interlocked and held them to her chest putting her hand on top of your hands.

"I would never want to lose a friend like you, not over something that's personal." you look up at her, smiling with tears filling your eyes and looking away.

"I-I told my mom that day in the airport, that I am lesbian." your voice breaks, the tears in your eyes falling onto your cheeks as you looked down to your lap, taking your hand away from Sadie's and putting them to your face, wiping the tears.

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