And...cut! (S.S)

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Sadie g!p x female fluff and smut

Summary: you've been casted in a film with Sadie Sink as her love interest, she's been distant from you, not even saying a word to you unless it was to rehearse, when she did talk to you, it was to scold you for something you did wrong.

Warning: some violence

"What did I do wrong this time, Kiara?" your character says towards Sadie's character, Kiara.

"Nothing, Chelsea, just leave it alone." she replies, walking across the set.

You follow her, pulling her arm back and making her turn towards you, "you can't keep doing this, you have to tell me what I did wrong." 

"Nothing!" she yells in your face, "just leave it alone, how hard is it?"

"It's not..." you pause trying to remember your line. "Shit, sorry."

"Cut!" the director yells.

"Your line was, it's not easy to leave you alone when I love you so much, then you kiss me." Sadie scolds, walking to drink her water on the side.

"Whatever." you reply, rolling your eyes and sitting next to her. 

The director walks over to the two of you and stands in front with his hands on his hips, "okay, y/n, what's going on with you? You've been forgetting your lines a lot recently."

You look up at him, "yeah, I know, sorry. Haven't been getting a lot of sleep recently." you reply, embarrassed.

"Okay, well we're going to cut filming short today. Maybe go and get some rest, yeah?" he smiles.

"Yeah, sure, thanks."  you get up to go walk to the costume trailer to change back into your clothes. You walk in, saying hello to the costume director and taking off your costume, putting your regular clothes back on. You walk out of the trailer, walking with your head down and your hand to your forehead, when you bump into someone while walking, "sorry." you exclaim, continuing forward.

"Hey, wait, are you okay?" you recognize the voice being Sadie, and walk faster to your trailer, you didn't feel like dealing with her judging ass right now. She followed you, "hey wait up!"

You reach the door of your trailer, and look back at her, "I'm fine, what do you care anyways?" 

She just stands there, her eyebrows furrowed, "that's no way to talk to your co-star."

"Shut up, leave me alone, sink." you reply, walking into your trailer. You sigh, laying on your couch and closing your eyes. Your trailer door opens, interrupting your peace. "God, Sink, please leave me alone."

"It's not sink?" a familiar voice speaks, you sit up, revealing your sister, Bella.

"Oh my god! Hi!" you jump up and hug her, picking her up from the ground.

She laughs as you put her back down, "hi! You seem excited to see me." 

You smile, sitting back down on your couch, "that's because I am excited to see you, why wouldn't I be?"

Sadie Sink || ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now