First day, First week (M.M)

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Max x female fluff
Summary: you're a well known loner in Hawkins Middle School, known not to be messed with, you have no friends, and you have quite the temper.

You're walking through the hallways of the school in your black converse, loose jeans, a long-sleeved flannel, with a band shirt underneath. Listening to your walkman, as you turn the corner, bumping into somebody making you drop your books and journal, making it open.

"Oh sh-shit sorry, I didn't mean to-hey those drawings are really good." 

You look up to see who you bumped into, and you didn't recognize her, she had gorgeous red hair, with icy blue eyes, and freckles painted across her face. You didn't realize you were staring until...

"Hey, are you okay?" she says, waving her hand in front of your face.

"Oh, y-yeah I'm fine. Just watch where you're going." you reply in a stern voice, picking up your journal and books. You push past her, shoving her shoulder.

"Jerk." she says under her breath as you passed by, putting your headphones back on and walking to your locker.


You were now in Mr. Clarke's class, the class you hated the most. Most of the time you were either drawing, sleeping, or just staring into space. 

Today was one of the staring into space days, as Mr. Clarke went on a rant about the human brain. 

The door swung open, making you jump in your seat as the principal brought in the same girl from the hallway, making you roll your eyes as Mr. Clarke introduced her, some kid in the front named Dustin making a drum roll.

"Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California, latest to join us on our curiosity voyage, Maxine!" he says with jazz hands. 

"It's Max." she corrected.


"Nobody calls me Maxine, it's Max." she says annoyed as she made her way through the class,  sitting in the back beside you.

You look over to your side as sneakily as possible to gaze at the girl, who's arms were crossed and staring forward, she turns her head towards you, making you snap your head back, towards the front of the class.

The hell is wrong with me?

After class ended, you found yourself outside during lunch time, sitting on the stairs as you drew a sketch of something you saw in your dream. Someone came down the stairs, bumping into you as they walked down, "Hey watch it!" you say, looking up, revealing guess who? Max. 

The girl just looks at you and rolls her eyes as she puts her skateboard down and begins riding. You can't help but watch the girl as she rode on her skateboard, you were glued to the way she rode the board. 

You snapped out of it and looked down at your journal as she made her way towards you, standing in front of you, her tip of her board on the ground and the other side in her hands as she leaned on it, "can I borrow a piece of paper?"


"You heard me, paper, now." she says sternly as you just roll your eyes, ripping out a blank piece of paper in your journal.

"What do you need it for so badly?" you ask, handing her the paper.

"Those boys over there," she points to a group of 4 boys behind a fence, "they're watching me."

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