Moon River (S.S)

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Sadie x Female fluff
Summary: you and Sadie have been dating for the past 2 years, you went with her to her sets and photoshoots, took her out on dates, you rent an apartment together, etc etc. Let's just say you're the happiest you've ever been. (I mean who wouldn't if they were dating Sadie Sink). But you had also noticed that she started to distance herself, or would just sleep when she came home from work, or finding her sleeping when you came home from work.

Warning: mentions of drugs, some suicidal mentions, body dysmorphia. This chapter is a bit of a deeper one, read with caution, especially if it's late at night lol.

You laid in bed watching Friends as Sadie slept in your chest. The window had been open, as you felt the cool summer breeze come through, blowing your curtains in the wind, as the moonlight sunk through. You couldn't help but to think to yourself if there was something that you had done wrong, Sadie had always been sleeping around you, or just quiet. She barely touched the food you cooked, and never seemed excited to go out with her friends, or you even. As you caressed her red hair, it glistened in the moonlight, kissing her freckled forehead every now and then. You just wanted to reassure her that you were always going to be there for her. Sadie's arms were wrapped around your torso, totally exhausted, and you didn't know why. You always went to bed worried, you could barely sleep, and when you did you had terrible nightmares, things you could never tell your girlfriend.

As you turned the tv off, you closed your eyes, holding your girl in your arms, trying to think happy thoughts, or reassuring yourself that everything was okay. As you fell asleep, you thought about all the happy times you had with her. Picnic dates watching the sunset, going to her red carpet showcases, going to her sets and meeting her amazing cast mates, board games in front of the fireplace, times when you would just hold each other and stare into each others eyes in bed. You started to sob quietly, trying not to wake Sadie. The times when you would dance in the kitchen to Frank Sinatra, the first 'I love you', her first Instagram post about you, your first kiss in your old apartment. As you continued to think about all the happy moments, your sobs became louder, waking your girlfriend.

"What's going on? Why are you crying?" she says tiredly, looking up at your tear-stained cheeks as your sobs became louder, taking your hands and putting them to your face. "Hey, hey. Look at me" she grabbed your wrists, pulling them away, looking into your puffy eyes, "what's wrong?"

"Just go back to sleep. I'm f-fine." you huff.

"No, you're not fine, y/n. You're literally crying." Sadie replies, sitting up next to you. "Talk to me."

You scoff, "Talk to you?" you turn to Sadie who sits there, already looking at you, "all I ever do is worry about you. You rarely talk to me anymore! It feels like you don't even love me anymore. Did I do something?" your voice breaks.

"What? No." she grabs your hand, "no, y/n, you didn't do anything wrong." she says as she begins to rub her thumb over your knuckles.

"Then why does it feel that way, all the time?" you sigh before continuing, "It's like, it's like you don't want to be with me anymore, like you don't need me."

"I need you more than anything right now, y/n. I'm serious. I love you more than I love myself" tears begin to form in her eyes, "I haven't been doing the best lately. To you, to my friends, and I know that. I know I haven't been going out, making an effort to take you on dates, or do some of the old things we used to do."

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