I Just Don't Go (S.S)

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Sadie x female fluff
Summary: you're 21 and an actress, you're well known for working in marvel and netflix, on an interview that you're on with maya hawke and sadie sink, you're asked questions about your love life since you're inactive on all social media. also you're *that* bitch, everyone talks about you, finds you attractive, you have a huge fandom, etc...

Warning: alcohol mentions and this story is tremendously long, i didn't want to split it into 2 parts ;)

"Oh my god, it's been so long how are you?" Maya asks, bringing you in for a hug.

"I've been great, pretty busy but after this interview I'm taking a break from press." you reply, smiling, "but uh how are you, I mean I've seen you're coming out with an album, that's amazing!"

"Yeah, yeah! It's super exciting, all this stuff coming from season 4 has been super crazy, like I'm not used to it whatsoever, I mean after season 3 there was a lot with fans and stuff but I was more capable of keeping up with it more then than now, it's super crazy thinking that we've come this far I mean it's so scary how much we've grown and-" Maya continues rambling as you just watch intently, trying to hold back your laughter. You missed Maya so much, on set she was like an older sister to you, and Sadie, forget about it. You guys were inseparable. "so how have you been with all the press and fan stuff?"

"Oh" you snap out of your thoughts, "uh, just been hanging with family, doing photoshoots, trying not to let stress take over. My sister likes to bring it all up, show me twitter and show me stuff about me, like edits and stuff and I find it cute." 

You both nod as you stand in the hallway of the dressing rooms, awkwardly waiting for someone to talk.

"Yeah, definitely, you deserve it though, you and Sadie were outstanding this season, have you heard about the Emmy buzz?" Maya smiles, holding your shoulders.

"Emmy buzz?" you question.

"Yeah! A lot of people are saying you and Sadie deserve an emmy nom!"

You scoff, "please, like that'll ever happen."

She laughs, "no seriously, y/n, I think you guys both deserve a nom, you both worked so hard this season."

"Sadie deserves it more than me" you pause looking around the hallway, "speaking of, have you seen Sadie?"

She looks around as well, "no, I bet she's probably just in her dressing room."

"Yeah, yeah..." you trail off, "well, we should go to the table for the interview, I mean I'm all ready to go, are you?" you ask.

"Yeah! Yeah, I think so, you look great by the way." she compliments, walking towards the door that would lead to the interview table.

"Thanks, you too, Maya." you smile, opening the door for her.

Once you walk in to the interview table, you're sat on a large sized couch, able to fit you, Sadie, and Maya on and fitted for a clip-on microphone for your blazer. You watch as the techguy clips on your mic, his hands shaking. You smirk and laugh a little, watching him struggle.

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