Aisle 17B (S.S)

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Sadie x female smut and fluff
Summary: basically you work in a grocery store, you stock shelves, and you're in college. It's the summer. You've watched Stranger Things before, and you know who Sadie Sink is.

Warning: contains some drug mentions

Music blasts in your ears as you stock candy in the candy aisle. You're not supposed to wear earphones, mainly because you won't hear the customers asking questions, but you hide yours under your hair, plus a customer usually will tap you on the shoulder if they have a question.

You stock M&Ms, skittles, all the candies you can think of, emptying box after box. You turn to place some bags of Sour Patch Kids on the shelf as you feel a slight tap on your shoulder.

You take out an earphone, which causes the music to pause but don't look at the person, finishing stocking. "Yes?" you question.

"Um, hi, I was just gonna ask you a question" she speaks, her voice light and angelic.

You laugh before turning to her, "well I assumed so, woah" you look at her, she has sunglasses on, a hat, she wears a jumpsuit and some converse, before looking at a couple men behind her with suits on, "are you famous or something?" you snicker.

She laughs, "something like that I guess," she removes her sunglasses, folding them and putting them in her tote bag, "I was wondering where the pasta aisle is?"

You recognize her, her being Sadie Sink that is, your eyes widen, "Um, y-yeah. Aisle um, seventeen, s-seventeen B." you stutter nervously.

She smiles, "okay, thanks" she walks off, and you watch her walk away, in shock that you just spoke to the Sadie Sink. She stops in her tracks before turning back to you, you look away nervously, "hey, um, help me get the pasta from the top shelf?"

"Right" you laugh, dropping the bag of Sour Patch Kids that was in your hands, walking over to her and tripping over your feet, stumbling, she catches you, bringing you up, "sorry, I'm a bit clumsy."

"Sure." she snickers

You walk her over to the pasta aisle, reaching it and holding your arms out like you were showcasing the choices, "pick your pasta." you mentally slap yourself in the forehead.

"Right, um, I actually didn't need pasta." she says, standing beside you.

"Oh! Did you need something else?" you turn and look down at her, taking a sip of your water bottle.

"Yeah, um, your number?"

You choke on your water, coughing uncontrollably, "m-my what?"

She laughs, "your number. Y'know, phones, they have numbers."

"Right, right, I knew that" you smirk as she pulls out her phone, handing it to you, you were holding Sadie Sink's phone, you began typing your number in before handing it back to her, "anything else, red?" Jesus Christ what the hell am I saying.

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