Why me? 2 (M.M)

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Max x female fluff (kinda)
Continuation of the previous chapter.

The next morning, Steve offered to give you a ride to school while seeing you hop on your bike in your driveway, saying he had work anyways. You agreed and sat in the passenger seat, putting your bag by your feet.

Steve started the car and turned to you, "Okay I don't mean to be that guy but I have to pick up Robin and she always sits in the front seat."

"Oh...yeah it's no problem, I'll just" you picked up your bag and threw it behind you, then climbed through the middle console, sitting in the backseat.

Steve chuckled and began reversing out of the driveway, locking eyes with you as he turned around, "that's the y/n I know."

You rolled your eyes, "all I did was climb to the backseat."

He began driving down the street, "yeah but you could've easily used the door."

"Steve in the most respectful way possible, please shut up." you scolded and put your headphones on, pressing play and "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac played in your ears.

Steve tapped his steering wheel while mouthing a words to a song you couldn't hear since Stevie Nicks was singing in your ears. You couldn't help but to think about Max and how you saw her for the first time last night. She seemed both worried and angry all at the same time, which was understandable. You hadn't been there for her and you left your relationship in the worst way possible by not giving her any answers.

You shuffled in your seat as the next song played from the Rumours album, watching the trees pass through the window. Steve tapped on your leg, making you pause the song and look forward towards him, his eyes still on the road.

"Yes?" you asked since he didn't say anything.

"I didn't realize you were listening to music but I was just asking what happened between you and red."

"Red?" you questioned, not understanding the nickname.

"Yeah, Max." he confirmed.

"Oh..." you paused, "um I don't know what you're talking about."

Steve scoffed, "c'mon, you guys used to be best friends and then all of a sudden you're gone and now the two of you don't talk? Give me the gossip, please I beg, I don't get much. Max barely gave me any details."

You sighed, "I can't."

"Why not?"

"I just can't okay!" you yelled and Steve flinched, "I'm sorry, can we just talk about something else?"

"Sure! What about your camp?" he said excitedly.

You groaned, "it's gonna take me awhile to get used to you again badgering me about my life, isn't it?"

"Yep." he replied quickly.

He started braking in front of a one-story house, which you assumed was Robin's. Seeing her run out the front door confirmed your assumption. She had a piece of toast in her mouth as she ran down her lawn, the way she ran was kind of weird, but you didn't mind, instead you just kind of giggled at the peculiar girl. She wore a button down shirt with a band t-shirt under it and some regular jeans with converse, which was similar to your style.

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