In the Blue Light (M.M)

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Max x female fluff
Summary: you and Max have been on and off ever since Billy and your parents passed last summer, you lost your parents to the mind flayer, and Dustin's mom brought you in. When Max had told Dustin what happened, he brought you in on what Max had told him so you were with them throughout the events of telling Steve and Robin, before you had saw the goddamn clock in the wall. Vecna showing you your memories your parents dying, begging for help. Before Spring Break, Max had officially left you, saying that she didn't have love for you anymore, but you knew she was lying, and you tried moving on, but you had too much love for the redhead, so that was just more guilt added on.

Warning: contains some homophobia


I'm sorry if this chapter is really bad, I am literally already sobbing and I haven't even began writing it, so, yeah!

"Y/n." Dustin says beside you, causing you to take off your headphones.

"Yeah?" you ask, looking up at him.

"Are you okay?"

You laugh, "do I seem okay?"

He nods his head, "right, right, sorry" he pauses before continuing, "um, do you want to talk about it?"

You look down in your lap, grabbing a trash can top and some nails, lifting your hammer "not really Dustin, no. I could die" you hammer a nail in, angrily, "due to a fucking piece of shit named Henry" you hammer another, "who thinks that torturing and killing teens is fun" you hammer another, "all for fucking what? To boost his ego?" you hammer another, but it was actually your thumb, "shit." you grab your thumb as it turns purple.

"Shit, y/n, are you okay?" Dustin says, grabbing your hand.

You pull it away, standing up, "I'm fine, just talk to Eddie okay?" you smile and walk away towards Steve and Robin.

You walk in the RV and sit down in the back, putting your face in your hands, crying. The door opens, and you lift your face up to see Robin there with a concerned face. You and Robin grew closer when you worked at Scoops Ahoy over the summer last year, before everything happened. You tell her practically everything and she's like a big sister to you.

You sniffle and smile, "Hey, Rob."

She laughs, "Y/n, what's up?" she sits beside you and starts petting your arm gently.

"I'm scared Rob. I really don't know what's going to happen and I've prepared for this, but what if it doesn't end well? What if I die?" your voice breaks, tears falling down your face. Robin turns towards you.

"Look, y/n. You are not going to die. Steve, Nancy, and I will not let that happen. You're going to have Lucas and Max and Erica to protect you and they will blast Queen in your ears if anything goes wrong, I promise" she wipes your tears, "you wanna know something?" you nod, "I can tell Max still loves you, she does. She looks at you, concerned, and after the graveyard, she doesn't leave your side. Seriously" she laughs and you smile, "trust me, okay? Maybe talk to her before we go, talk to her." she shakes your shoulders before pulling you into a hug. You sob in her shoulder, wrapping your arms around her. You really were scared, and you didn't want to leave Max, or Robin, or Dustin, or anybody.

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