Math Tutor 2 (Z.B)

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Ziggy x female fluff and smut

Part 2 of the other Math Tutor chapter.

Warning: mentions of drugs

"Okay, so with this one you have to cross multiply to get the answer, does that make sense?" you explained to one of your other students, Katie. She's the same age as you.

"I think so, so then if I did that I would get 25?" she asks, looking up at you.

"Yes! Good job! Try 5 more of the other examples, okay?" you smile.

"Okay, then can I go?" she asks as you stand from the bench.

"Sure, whatever you want." you smirk and walk over to your desk, lighting up a joint.

"You smoke?" Katie asks, looking over at you take a puff.

You roll your eyes, "do your work, no questions other than math questions."

Katie rolled her eyes and looked back down at her paper. 

Your "relationship" with Ziggy grew over the course at Nightwing. But you still hadn't put an official label on it and the last day of the camp was close. Should you ask before the last day? Should you let her ask? Would she ask? Were you guys just hooking up? Was this just a fling? 

You had asked yourself countless questions as you finished smoking the joint and Katie finished her work.

"I'm finished." she raised her paper. You got out of your seat and walked over to her, checking her work. You sat down beside her and cleared your throat, taking a bite of an apple. 

"These look good, nice job." you smiled at her as she leaned on her hand.

"Thanks" she smirked and you got up out of the bench, she grabbed your hand, "wait, um. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." you shrugged and sat back down beside her, taking another bite of your apple.

"Okay, I don't know you that well and you don't know me that well-"

"Well I've been your tutor for a month, Katie." you interrupted and took another bite of your apple.

"Well, yeah, okay anyways, I really like someone at camp" she looked up at you, blushing, "and they, um, they're really nice, smart too. Funny and can take control well. Overall they're just really cool and I feel like I've gotten closer to them over the time at camp." she smiles.

"Okay, but you keep saying them...who are they?"

"Oh, um..." she closes her eyes and leans in and you back away.

"" you stand up from the bench. "What are you doing?"

Her face goes red, "oh, um. I'm sorry."

You laugh, "it's okay, I just can't, I'm in...something, with someone already." you walk to your desk and lean on it, finishing your apple and throwing it in the trash.

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