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Seeing Vanaram's guards surging forward to kill Rocky, with the courage he had given, people of KGF took it up on themselves to stop them and to protect Rocky. Mean while the marriage is completed, after filling her partition with sindhoor despite her struggle, rocky left her and went to stand on the alter near the goddess kali statue and observing the situation. All fight left Regina as she looked at the mangalsutra on her neck and touching her partition filled with Sindhoor, tears continuously started flowing down her eyes. She's still in a state of shock. At last all the happenings of the day on top of the rituals she had to perform from the past few days took a toll on her body and she lost the fight with her consciousness.

Sattar have been struggling to get to Regina from the minute Rocky dragged her to the goddess statue and at last he succeeded in clearing a path. He's not bothered with avenging Garuda like the other guards. Right now his first priority is Regina's safety. He reached her just in time to see Rocky lifting an unconscious Regina into his arms and quickly pointed his gun right at him.

Sattar : Let her go. Otherwise I'll shoot you.

Rocky (tilts his head and looks at him with recognition) : I know you are not that stupid. You don't want to put your mistress's life at stake now right? Look around you.

Sattar can see the people looking at him angrily ready to kill him. He's of no use to Regina dead. He needs to think smartly now. If he die now, she would bring him back alive just to kill him with her own hands for how stupidly he behaved. He have been trained for these scenarios. Right now his priority is Regina. This guy doesn't seem to have any intention to harm her at least for now. He already informed others and they are on their way here. He just needs to buy sometime till then. Sighing he pointed his gun down and started speaking.

Sattar : Okay, fine. But I'm not going to let her out of my sight. We need to get her checked up by a doctor.

Rocky : What makes you think that you have any say here? She's my wife and I'll do what I wish. He gestures some people to capture him and asks them not to kill him and went away with his wife in his arms. Cursing under his breath, he tried to struggle to get to his mistress but to no avail. He just hopes the others reach soon.

Rocky's Pov :

Rocky enters the bedroom which he knew belong to her and laid her gently on the bed. Maids rushed to her door, but stopped seeing him inside. He turned around to look at them and they flinched back. He must be a sight. Wet black clothes with blood all over his face. He ignored their reaction and asked them if there is any doctor in the palace ( as he knew Suryavardhan was not well before he died, they must've a doctor on stand by right?). No one spoke for a while, but one of the maids came forward to reply.

Maid : No there is no doctor, but we do have a nurse here. She can take a look at Regina bitiya. ( anxiously looking at Regina's form on the bed).

He simply nodded and the maid turned and gestured for someone to come near, must be the nurse. Both of them rushed forward to Regina. Nurse began to check her vitals and the maid started caressing her hair. After sometime, the nurse informed them it is just the shock and nothing else and she'll come back to conscious in 2-3 hours, but it'll be better if she have a goodnight sleep, so she's administered her with mild anesthesia. Everybody heaved a sigh of relief knowing she's going to be fine.

Rocky releases the breath he's not aware he's holding from the time he saw her about to fall at the Pooja. He did not know if he ever reacted so fast in his life as the time he saw her about to fall down and get injured. His heart which has been beating frantically in panic from the time he saw her unconscious slowed down to normal after hearing the nurse's words. Now he just needs to be alone for sometime and started dismissing the others. He can see them hesitating. Knowing what'll do the trick, he quietly informed them that Garuda is dead and from now onwards, it'll be better if they get habituated to him both in the palace and in their mistress's life as he is her husband. This seems to shock them quite a bit. The maid that first entered looked uncertain but took one last look at Regina and left the room taking others with her.

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