Not his lover?

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Regina doesn't know why she had agreed with this stupid plan of his. She's been trying to come up with a logical reason behind her action from the time she boarded the chopper and sitting in the hotel lobby now, waiting for Rocky to come back with their key cards after booking rooms for them, she's still unable to come up with a satisfying answer. The actual fact is that as soon as Rocky asked her to trust him sincerely without his usual arrogance, she's sold. She could see in his eyes that he is sincere and genuinely wants her to trust him, to give him a chance to prove himself. She could not bring herself to squash his hopeful look and agreed with him. She breathes out a sigh cursing herself inwardly for being such a sucker for his puppy eyes. Her thoughts were interrupted by Rocky's voice where he's handing over the keycards to the guards. She can see another 2 key cards placed on the table in front of her. Not waiting for him to be finished, she quickly took one of the Key card and left for her room assuming he's going to share with Reena.

Regina placed her hand luggage on the bed and went to get freshen up a bit. She is exhausted from the journey as well as from the thoughts running wild in her head from the morning. She just wants to freshen up and sleep. Remaining everything she'll sort out in the morning. One of the guards came in to drop her luggage and left. She quickly took her sleep wear and went to freshen up. After changing herself, she came out of the bathroom only to find Rocky laying across her bed in only a vest and track pants.

Up on hearing the sound of the bathroom door getting closed, Rocky turned his head towards it and proceeded to say something intending to rile her up only to find himself not able to utter a single word. He stared at her with his mouth agape without even blinking his eyes noticing what she's wearing. He can see her cheeks turning red under his gaze. He knew he needs to stop his staring right now. He has no intention to make her uncomfortable. But his fuse got shot. The connection between his body & brain got damaged and his body is not obeying his commands anymore. He could feel himself getting heated up and his own ears turning red at the situation, but could not find himself to stop admiring her. He came out of his stupor with a throat clearing. He looked at her face finally with a sheepish smile.

Regina : What are you doing here?

Rocky : Chinna, I told you to trust me right? I'll let you know, in fact show you what I'd planned in the morning.

Regina : Not that. I'm asking what are you doing in my room?

Rocky confused : What am I doing matlab? I thought you wanted to share with me? When you left from there taking a key card, I assumed that you did not want to share a room with Reena, so obviously I'll come here only right?

Regina bewildered : I thought you are going to share a room with Reena.

This struck a nerve in him. He controlled himself and asked

Rocky : And why did you assume that I'll share a room with Reena in the first place? Not to mention when my wife is here?

Regina scoffed : That didn't stop you from bringing her to our home where your wife resides (stressing on the wife)

Her tone ignited something in Rocky. He cannot help but think that she's accusing him of something which he did not even want to name.

Rocky with gritted teeth: What are you implying?

Regina : Nothing

With all the happenings back at home and now this, Rocky's patience is hanging by a thread.

Rocky : Please don't accuse me of something I have never done and will never do to you, Regina. Have you ever saw me entering her room alone at home? How can you accuse me of cheating you?

Regina is surprised hearing her name from his mouth. He always called her with ridiculous nick names. This is the first time he ever addressed her as Regina and she can see that he's angry. But she's getting angry as well. What did he expect her to think about the situation in the first place then? She controlled her frustration.

Regina : Why are you getting so hyper? Whatever. As I mentioned previously, it is not my concern whatever you do with your lover as long as she is okay with it.

She turned around to went to bed dismissing him. That did it. It sent him over the edge. He caught her hand tightly and pulled her, forcefully pinning her back to the cupboard and blocked her with his own body so she cannot escape.

Rocky shouted : Lover...Lover...Lover. Can you stop saying that? She is not my lover. Stop assuming things. (breathing heavily)

Regina looked shocked. Her wrists are paining due to the force of his hold, but she ignored it in favor of getting answers to her questions.

Regina confusedly: What did you say? She's not your lover? If she's not, then why did you bring her to KGF?

Rocky : As a leverage so that her father and his useless gang cannot plot against me. She is an insurance to ensure that they do as I say. Yes, I agree that I can kill them if they ever turned against me instead of taking her as hostage but I need business partners. So.. (He simply shrugs. "THAP". Rocky had to admit he did not see that coming. He expected her to either getting calm down after hearing his explanation or dismiss him as usual, but he did not expect her to slap him for sure. He turned towards her bewildered to find her seething.)

Regina : How dare you? I thought that no matter how bad you are, you have some morals, especially with your ever inspiring speeches about mothers, that you'll never disrespect a woman so much. But I was wrong. (Seeing his confused expression, she wants to bang her head against the near by wall). Do you even understand what you did? You've ruined her life. Reena has a certain status in the society. She's not a no name. Her disappearance will not go unnoticed by the society. What do you think will happen to her life once you decided to let her leave from here? Or are you going to keep her as a leverage till she dies? What future does she have now? Who'll marry her once they knew that she's been kidnapped for months? Will they respect her even if they got married?

Rocky closes his eyes tightly and lowers his head a little. He knew he's in the wrong here. But at that time, after newly obtaining KGF, he only thought of maintaining his position no matter what. He started apologizing to her. She quickly asked him to shut up and told him that it is not her that needs to forgive him but Reena. He pouts and tried to manao her but she's not in the mood and started moving away from him but turned to face him at the last moment.

Regina : If you do not love her, then why did you go after her even after knowing that it's a trap? Now don't tell me that you did not know that it's a trap. I can smell it from a distance and I knew for a fact, so can you. I knew that as well. All I wanted to know is why?

Rocky at last confesses. He did not went after Reena. After knowing about her escape, he inquired about Regina's whereabouts. When they are unable to find her, he got afraid that Regina was kidnapped as well. So, he went in search of her.

Hearing his explanation, Regina went stiff. He could see her looking at him with a weird look. He tried speaking with her once again, but she swiftly went from there not giving him a chance still looking at him weirdly. Poor Rocky he's trapped from all sides and now even his wife is hell bent on making him suffer. He lets out a quite breathe and proceed to go lay down on the couch, but stopped in his tracks hearing his wife's voice from the couch asking him to take the bed as he's injured. He opened his mouth to protest only to hear her stern warning again. Not wanting to make her mad anymore, he went to the bed and laid down.

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