Queen to the rescue

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Next day Rajendra Desai's death became the headlines of the news which Reena saw and escapes from the palace threatening to shoot the Rguards. They got panicked and went in search of Rocky or Regina to inform. Rocky is coming back from one of his meetings when one of the Rguards approached him and told him about Reena's escape. He frowns a little. He inquires the whereabouts of Regina to which the Rguard replies that they were also trying to find her to inform her of the news but could not find her anywhere in KGF. They searched every where. Rocky told him something and swiftly moves from there towards the garage and follows Reena.

Meanwhile, Regina is seen at some place which seems to be some kind of camp area where a number of tents were pitched in a circular pattern. Some of the Rguards that were posted at the outpost1 can be seen with some injuries receiving medical attention from some of Regina's guards. She is busy over looking if any more medical or food supplies required.

Flashback :

Yesterday, she heard someone knocking lightly on her bedroom door. It must be one of her guards from the pattern of the knocking. She hurriedly open the door to find Vishnu along with the guards on duty and moved aside to let them in and closed the door. Vishnu didn't say anything, directly moved to her computer and attached a pen drive and started playing something. Once she realized that it is the CCTV footage of the cameras they installed at the Outpost1, she paid immediate attention. She vividly remembered the terror that ran through her the day Vanaram mentioned the outpost1 while agreeing to train the Rguards. She immediately left there and passed the message to her team to install CCTV camera and keep someone to monitor it 24/7. Shaking her head to get rid of her thoughts, she returned her attention to the video footage, But what she saw there froze her in her place. Adheera & his men at the outpost killing every one.

Tears started flowing down her eyes looking at the men who not even know how to hold a gun just 30 days ago. Vanaram had taught them how to shoot a gun for sure, but when the time comes, it is really difficult to let go your fear. Looking at the footage, her face hardened and at last she turned to address Vishnu with her fists closed.

Reena :Send out a communication for all our men. Whoever all is near to outpost 1 shall immediately make their way there ASAP and try to rescue as many as they can. And remind them to be careful and not to cross Adheera's path.

One of the guard left to carry out the orders on Vishnu's gesture when Regina is looking at something.

Regina : How many people we have at base here now?

Vishnu : Around 30

Regina : Okay. Assemble every one and make your way to the outpost as well with some medical & food supplies along with tents and anything else that is required. After reaching there, send a team ahead to find a place somewhere safe to setup the camp. Immediately after first aid, move everyone to the camp area and stay there. I'll meet you there in the morning. One more thing, avoid Adheera at any cost. You know the path he's on right now. So, take an alternative one and don't engage with him. Also make sure that the camp area is setup on the other side of the burnt bridge so that no one else can reach there as the bridge is burnt. Only we knew the alternate route, so you'll be safe.

Vishnu nodded and left there along with the guard. Here face had still not lost the cold look from before. How was she not informed of this attack? Is it a miscommunication or... ? No. It cannot happen. She was very careful and thorough in that placement. Let's hope Vishnu and others can help as many people as possible. It is a good thing that bloody bridge was burnt. Now at least, they'll be safe. Only she and her guards knew the other route to reach that side. (Taking some sort of a blue print from the secret compartment in her cupboard and spreading it on the table). After all, it is them who made sure to built an alternative secret way to each & every route in KGF. (Looking at the green lines marked a few meters away from the actual paths). They literally can reach any place in KGF without being detected. They have been working on this project for quite sometime and was completed just before she reached KGF last month. Thinking she continue looking at the map and went towards her computer and turned on the live CCTV footage of the outpost1 and can see some of her guards already there working on saving as many people as they can.

Flashback ends...

She was not able to sleep again last night after the fiasco. So, she got ready early in the morning and reached the camp area. She can see that they lost at least one third of the people that were posted. she closes her eyes taking a deep breath and starts concentrating on overlooking everything. The time for mourning had to wait.

She was busy explaining something to one of the guards, when she was disturbed by a guard informing her of a call. She went a little away to attend the call and sighed in agitation at the contents of it. She just want to shoot everyone and get it done with for their bad timing. She immediately called the mansion and asked for the whereabouts of Reena. When she got to know that Reena escaped after hearing about her father and Rocky followed her, she wanted to bash her head on the near by tree. Can't they detect a trap when they see one? Reena, she can understand. It's her father. But Rocky!!! What's wrong with him? Does he have a working brain cell or not? She swiftly moved from there and went to speak with Vishnu at the camp area. She spoke with him on what's happening and inquired how many men are required to move these people into a secure place out of sight. Up on his reply, she asked the remaining 20 to make their way to Rocky. She called the guard who is overlooking the CCTV footage and asked him to locate Rocky. After getting the information, she informed Vishnu and left there towards palace.

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