Heart Break

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Previously :Sometimes she forgets how fortunate she is. She had everything growing up. Loving parents who never says No to anything she asks for, doting relatives, especially Garuda, loyal friends & guards. In a sense she grew up having a huge family. But Rocky, he did not have anyone? No one to call his, family or even friends? How did he survived?

Present :

She is in the sit out area looking out into the fields thinking deeply about what she got to know about Rocky a while back. The sound of an approaching chopper brought her out of her

thoughts. Seems Rocky had come back from wherever he went. She kept on watching as the chopper landed and Rocky came out. He turned and forwarded his hand to the chopper. Confused she looked on. But what she saw next stopped her breath altogether. A beautiful woman came out of the chopper holding Rocky's hand. At first she did not understand, but now she can recognize the woman clearly. She is the same person that she read about a bit earlier in the file given by her guards. Reena, daughter of Rajendra Desai, the one Rocky proposed to. But they mentioned it as nothing but an infactuation? Did they lie to spare my feelings? Wait... When did my feelings came into picture here? No. Not feelings. It is just shocking to know the type of guy he is. Bringing his lover into his home where his wife resides. That's it. She controls herself and put her mask on again. But internally, she is breaking apart and she herself does not why.

Turning to go back into her room, she's startled to see Rocky in front of her. She was too busy in her thoughts that she did not even know when he came there. Rocky had seen her as soon as he landed. These days it became a habit for him to search for her whenever she's not in front of his eyes. He saw her expression change as soon as Reena stepped out of the chopper. His heart broke looking at the turmoil in her eyes. He did not understand what she is feeling, but it pained him looking at her glassy eyes and seeing her stand still like someone had struck her. He immediately left Reena informing the guards to show her the room he asked the maids to prepare earlier. By the time, he reached her, she seems to recover, but still seem to be lost in herthoughts. She did not even heard his approach, which is saying something. Because as far as he observed her till now, she's always aware of her surroundings. It is very difficult to surprise/shock her. He came out of his thoughts when she turned around and looked startled to see him, but composed herself quickly. She ignored him and tried to get past him.

Rocky : I did not bring Reena here for whatever you are thinking. I did not have any intention to hurt you. (Now looking at Regina)Please trust me.

Regina tried very hard to maintain her blank face and ignore him but could not control herself anymore and scoffs : Trust & you? You've got be kidding me. And how do you know what's going on in my mind? Don't make assumptions. Waise bhi whoever you spend your time with is not my concern. So, you can go ahead and be with your lover however you want. It's not my problem. I'm just disgusted with the fact that you do not even have the decency to continue your affair somewhere else and have brought her here into my home. But again, what else can I expect from a guy like you? Who marries a girl with out her consent and imprison her in her own house.

Rocky is hurt with her words, but somewhat a little happy as well seeing her acknowledging herself as his wife. But did not like her assuming that Reena is his lover and her being a prisoner here. He needs to clear a few things out for his lovely wife it seems.

Rocky : You know you are not a prisoner. 

Regina : Aren't I? I cannot go anywhere outside this house without a plethora of guards always keeping an eye on me. And can't even think about stepping out of KGF. I cannot speak to my own people. They cannot even approach me. You decide who I interact with, where I go, what I do. What am I if not a glorified prisoner? 

Rocky stood silent hearing her words. He does not have an answer. He turned his head away in guilt not able to see the tears in her eyes. He has his reasons for not allowing her guards near her. He is afraid that she'll try to escape from here with their help. He is scared that she'll leave him alone and went away. Seeing him standing there silent without any answer, she scoffs and went away from there to her room not before kicking his leg which made him fell face first on the floor.

On her way to her room, Regina heard gun shots and the frightened screams of the maids. She hurriedly went in the direction of the sound and came to one of the guest rooms to see Reena holding a gun and firing away randomly without any target destroying the room. 

Regina : What's happening here? 

She came inside the room to see the bed & the entire room decorated as if for a first night which shocked her to the core. She understands they love each other, but this, she did not expect. Don't know why but she is hurting looking at all this. Reena turned to address her. Seeing this she quickly controlled herself and put on her blank emotionless face. From the corner of her eye, She can see the maids and the guards that are hiding in different parts of the room with their heads down not able to meet her eye. 

Reena : Who the hell are you? Anyway, doesn't matter to me. How dare he think that I'll ...I'll...Arghhhhhhhh (She screams at last unable to complete her sentence due to how angry she is)So, Reena does not want to take this step in their relationship yet and he's forcing her to ...? Chi..

 How dare he? I don't care whatever my feelings are regarding Reena right now, I'll sort them out later. But if he tries to force Reena, I'll kill him myself).

Regina : So, is it prepared without your consent? (gesturing towards the room).

Reena in disbelief : Of course!! What do you think of me?

Regina did not reply to that but simply said : Don't worry. If you do not want, he's not going to touch you. I'll not let him. 

Reena is surprised with her words. Who is she? Why is she willing to help her? And most importantly what is she doing here in the first place? She's about to open her mouth to ask her who she is, but cut off by Rocky's voice. 

Rocky : What happened chinna? 

Reena yells at him : How dare you, huh? What do you think am I? A common whore? Rocky confused by her words looked around the room. One look at the bed and he knew he's in for a hell. What the hell? They knew he's married right? And his wife is in this house only? He married her right in front of them for god's sake. He took a subtle glance at Regina from the corner of his eye and winced a little at her expression. 

Rocky : Told them to decorate a room to show off the richness but they have gone way overboard. Do not overthink and take rest. 

He took one final glance at Regina who's still looking at him suspiciously and turned around to leave the room. why is everyone after my married life? Don't they know how hard I'm trying to get Regina to speak with me, leave speaking, at least acknowledge my existence? What grudge do they have against me? And honestly, Reena came here just today and they have arranged all these things and it's been 5 days since Regina & I have got married and didn't they never get the thought to decorate Regina's room like this? Bloody hypocrites. Don't worry Chinna. We'll celebrate our suhagraat more grandly than this. And I'm going to make them work double hard as well just to drive a point.

In case you guys didn't understand till now, When Rocky said "What happened Chinna?" in the room, he addressed Regina, but Regina & Reena thought that he's addressing Reena.

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