Realizing the responsibilities

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Rocky tried to open his eyes slowly with some difficulty. He winced when he jolts his shoulder trying to move a little. He'd had it rough last night. But somewhere in the middle of the night, he could hear Regina speaking to him softly holding his hand tightly and caressing his face. Listening to her soothing voice he went to a peaceful sleep. Sensing someone nearby he opened his eyes in hopes of seeing Regina only to get disappointed. It was Reena not Regina. Did he mistook Reena for Regina in his state last night? Is it Reena only that was with him last night not Regina?

People were told about Adheera being alive and all the people that went to the outpost1 were killed by him. Hearing this news as well as seeing Rocky's state yesterday, it is breaking their faith just like Adheera wanted. Entire KGF is in turmoil & mourning. Vanaram & Vittal are reporting whatever happened after he was shot to Rocky (No confidence emotion against Guru pandian, lock down in Narachi and Shetty joining hands with Inayat Khaleel & killing their people and taking control over west coast) when Regina arrived with his dinner. Seeing this all leave Rocky and her alone. She adjusted his pillows and helped him sit up and offered him the plate with some light soup. He's surprised at her actions. Normally she doesn't even acknowledge his existence. Even if he tried to greet her, she ignores him royally. He tried to, but unable to lift the spoon properly. At last he gave up and told her that he's not hungry and will eat later. He thought to rest for a bit to recover his strength and prepared to lie down. But before he could move to lie down, he found something pressing against his lips. He looked up only to findRegina forwarding a spoonful of soup in his direction. He's surprised but still opened his mouth to accept the food. 

Regina stood beside his bed and waited for him to finish the soup. She can see he's struggling to lift the spoon till his mouth. Her hand involuntarily moved a little to help, but she controlled herself. She prepared the soup for him, that's more than enough in her opinion. She's not going to do more than that for someone who killed her family. But looking at him giving up on eating and trying to cover up his hunger from her hurt her more than it should. Tears welled up in her eyes seeing him prepared to sleep hungry. She could not control herself anymore and took up a spoonful of soup and forwarded it in his direction. She can see the surprised look on his face. She herself is surprised by her move, but she was not able to help herself.  It is hurting her to see the usual strong & confident Rocky  this helpless.

Rocky cannot help himself but to stare at her beautiful face and admire her features while eating from her hands. He did not miss the tears in her eyes that refused to fall. This is the first time some one fed him after his mother. First time, he can see care & concern for him in a person's eyes and quite liked this feeling. Is this what people with a family feel whenever they are injured or down? Is this the care they receive? And he knew for sure that she cares for him. He can see it in her eyes, even though she tries to cover it up with her emotionless mask, he caught her when it slips sometimes. He took the medicines she fed him after the food and was about to lie down when his phone went off. He tried to reach it but a hand on his chest stopped him from moving further. Seeing Regina's stern expression, he leaned back quietly without any protest and waited for her to bring the phone to him.

Shetty mocks: Hey Rocky.. So you are the king now? You were better off here. Feeding on the leftovers. Where did you go away? In search of name and fame? Now you'll die a dog's death.

Regina's fists curled hearing his mocking voice. She tried to remove the receiver from Rocky's ears but he held her hand and not let her take the bloody thing away.

Shetty : But I'll give you another chance. Sit next to me on the floor and massage my feet. Come.

Regina's struggles to remove the damn thing increased as well as Rocky's grip on her hand to prevent it as Shetty keeps talking.

Shetty : Listen.. Heard you have a pretty girl friend? And an even beautiful Queen? I'm in search of one myself. Bring her along with you. Don't forget. After all, a queen belongs to the king who conquered, right?

(Rocky can feel Regina's grip slackened on the receiver and looked at her only to find her with her head down refusing to meet his eyes. She slowly took the receiver from his hand and kept it down with out glancing at him.)

Regina with a cold voice: Isn't he your friend? He might need a queen to take care of his kingdom and him as well. Are you going to send me to fill the position? After all, what am I? Except a position with no human feelings and emotions. Whoever wins the kingdom, I belong to them, right?

Without even looking back at him, she started leaving. He can hear her voice breaking when she was speaking earlier. He curled his fists and hurled the bedside vase at the near by wall.

Regina heard the vase breaking but did not turned around or stopped walking. Her heart is breaking as well. She never felt so humiliated in her life. She is going to kill that Shetty and it's not going to be pretty. She's going to gut him like the pig he is and is going to make an example of him in whole of Mumbai to let the people know what happens when you try to go against  Regina Talavar. Her thoughts are interrupted by the guards arguing with a woman at the entrance of the room. She can see the guards trying to stop her from entering while she's requesting to meet Rocky once. She gestured the guards to let her in. She enters and asks her for Rocky. So she gestured her inside and went behind her.

Fathima : You are more than God to my son sir. You have always been in his thoughts. You posted him to guard that bridge. They killed him. Not sure where he's lying dead... my son. Vultures must be devouring him.

(There are tears in Regina's eyes. She went to the lady and hold her as she broke down on her knees. She thought of informing her that all of them were not dead, but she doesn't know who her son is and whether he's alive or not. She doesn't want to get her hopeful only to crush it afterwards. He can see Rocky is pretty disturbed with these events.)

Fathima : You want to be the king right? For that you need luck and prayers. Luck/destiny is in your own hands. But prayers & good wishes are showered by other people. Fulfill my last wish. Let me see my son once and I'll pray for your wishes to be fulfilled always. For one last time please.

Regina held her as she broke down and tried to console her. She can see Rocky getting agitated and took her away from there.

Mean while everything that has happened kept playing in Rocky's mind. Adheera's words, him getting shot, Shetty's words, that lady's pleas, Regina's humiliated face. It's burning his heart remembering her face and the tears in her eyes. He lifted himself a little and dialed a number he knew by heart.

Chacha : Son... are you alright? What's going on here? I fail to understand.

Rocky : Forget it. Chacha.. Can you do me a final favor?

Chacha : Tell me. What is it that you want?

After getting off the call with chacha, he summoned everyone and informed them that everything is going out of control and it's not safe any longer to stay there, asked them to be prepared to go on a vacation. Everyone is shocked to hear his words, but did not speak anything against him. Once he got ready and came out to see everything being loaded into the chopper as he instructed. He turned to see Reena moving towards the chopper and searched for Regina. He found her standing beside Vanaram & Vishnu and looking with a blank face at the proceedings. He went towards her and inquired if she's done to which she gave him a confused look. He clarified.

Rocky : Are you done packing or you need to take anything else?

Regina shocked replied : I'm not coming with you. I have no interest in a vacation right now and I'm not going to leave the people & KGF in this state. You can go ahead and enjoy your vacation. (She pronounces vacation very mockingly).

Rocky : I know you have many questions going on in your mind now. I might look like a coward to you. But can you please trust me for once? I promise I won't let you down. Just one chance.

He looks her in the eye. She looks at him for quite sometime and nods her head slowly but put forth a condition that 4 of her guards will accompany her. He just sighs and agree with her. He orders some servants to pack her bags and she turned to Vanaram & Vishnu and instructs them something to which they both answers with a relieved nod.

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