f i f t e e n

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katrina grabbed her phone from her pocket, smiling down at the lock screen. i stood behind her, looking down at the picture of her and michael. "can i stay for dinner?" katrina asked, looking at me with hopeful eyes. i nodded, knowing she didn't like it at home. "thanks," she said, typing a quick message to her mum.

after everything had been packed up, katrina and i sat down and picked a movie. "how about 22 jump street?" i asked her. i knew she really liked that movie. katrina nodded, and i put the disc in the player. we sat next to each other on the couch, but we didn't really watch the movie. we were too busy texting our boyfriends. well, i was texting my boyfriend- katrina was texting michael. by the end of the movie, luke and i had made plans for the following day.

luke : hello there girlfriend :) x


why, hello boyfriend :) x

luke : is my girlfriend free tomorrow, from say, 10-7?

what did he have in mind?

i'm sure i'm available. but, what could we possibly be doing for 9 hours?!

luke : well, i have a stellar movie collection, tonnes of food and a closet full of blankets. sound good? plus, my mum wants you to stay for dinner.

i was suddenly nervous at the prospect of meeting luke's family. what if they didn't like me? as if he knew what i was thinking, luke sent me a second message.

luke : i've told my family a lot about you and they're practically in love with you, so there's nothing to worry about beautiful! :) x

i smiled. he knew me so well, and i hadn't even known him all that long. i typed back a reply.

well, now i just have to come, don't i?! hehe, that sounds really fun :)

luke : i'm glad you think so. i'll be at your place at 10- bring whatever kind of goodies you want!

god, i love him so much.

sure! by the way- what did michael say about katrina???

i locked my phone and watched the movie for a bit. for some reason, i knew this response would take a while to type. i looked over at katrina and saw her smiling down at her phone. i craned my neck so that i could get a closer look, and sure enough, she was talking to michael. i shoved her playfully and looked pointedly down at her phone. "what?" she asked, just as my phone buzzed in my hand.

luke : my god, what hasn't he said! he literally hasn't shut up about her since we left your place. it's so cute- it makes me sick! haha, but seriously, he really likes her. "she's so funny, and smart, and god, is she beautiful." blah blah blah! i've never seen him this happy. it's great to see. same goes for calum and elena. puppy love is the best. like i said before, you are quite the matchmaker, tiahn!

before replying, i showed katrina what michael had to say. the grin that was already on her face got even wider.

hehe, i try lucas, i try :) calum's always been a bit of a player so it's nice to see him and elena. i'm really happy for them. honestly, there is no love cuter than puppy love, is there? katrina's the happiest i've seen her for ages. wait- are her and michael even together??

luke : yeah, it's sweet :) that's good to hear, kat seems like a great girl. michael wants to ask her but he's kind of shy around girls, i'll try and get him to come around.

that's so sweet. he wants my friends to be happy as well!

aww! so is kat, around a guy she really likes. i'm happy for them. are they meeting up tomorrow? have you heard from calum?

luke : i think michael said something about picking up katrina and bringing her home to play video games. i worry for that boy sometimes. i did hear from calum- he doesn't think elena's parents like him. i feel really bad for him, he's a great guy.

i let out a sigh. i totally forgot to warn calum about elena's parents. i thought that they would like him. who wouldn't? i typed back a reply.

yeah, her parents are a bit strict. they probably won't let them get together :( i hope they do!

luke : so do i! :(

katrina and i stayed on our phones until dinner was ready. dinner, which consisted of chicken schnitzel and veggies, was surprisingly civil. my little brother, rory, once again attempted to explain to katrina what offside was, to no success.

after dinner, we took katrina home. when we got back, i said goodnight to my parents and brother, then crawled into bed, thinking about the events of today. i sent luke a quick goodnight text.

goodnight handsome, hope you have a great sleep. i love you xox

his reply was almost instantaneous.

goodnight beautiful. i love you so much. talk to you in the morning :) xox

i fell asleep with a smile on my face that night.


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