The Caged Bird

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Hi y'all this is my first time writing and posting a fanfic. Treasure is my one and only group and I'm a sukhoon trash lol. I hope y'all enjoy reading♡

The sun has risen up as the sunlight seeps into the dark room slowly through the window grills. The weather outside is pleasant, accompanied by the chirping of carefree birds flying through the morning sky. Those birds sound happy, don't they?
Is it because they are able to fly freely in the sky, without any bondage or rules?

Probably Yes. But isn't their freedom natural? Like you would wonder, why does a bird need to be grateful for its freedom when there's many other sharing the same but ask the one that's caged inside the golden prison, hanging by the window of it's owner's room. Is it happy too? Would you get an answer? No. Because birds are mindless creatures, they can't express their feelings in words, can they? That bird's destiny is in the hands of the owner who has no intention of letting it go unless it dies.

Choi Hyunsuk, the caged bird of this story, wakes up as he feels the warmth of the sunlight. He is startled as he heard some noise coming from the living room outside. It must be his husband, Kang Sungmin. With all excitement piled of getting to meet his husband after a week, hyunsuk rushes outside.

But the smile that was plastered a few seconds ago vanished as he saw his husband laying on the couch with his hand around the neck of a girl and around the waist of another.
"Hey Suk what are you doing there standing? And what is with that long face, are you upset?"
" no I'm good. Do you want to rest a little? Get in our room and sleep a little." Hyunsuk timidly asked his husband flashing a little smile that had vanished earlier.
"See! you look better when you smile that way. Girls get in please, didn't you hear my wife, we need to rest."
Sungmin walked in the room with the two girls by his side winking at hyunsuk.

It isn't even new at this point, how his husband brings random people and fucks around with them, right in his presence. But why isn't hyunsuk bothered you ask? Well, the guy doesn't have the right to be bothered. He is the husband of Seoul's one of the most ruthless and dreadful mafia, Kang Sungmin. Hyunsuk goes back to the time he first met Sungmin, it was almost a year back.


Hyunsuk is sobbing at the corner of a dark alley that opens up to a shabby dark house. There are pieces of glass lying around where he is perched.
That is how Sungmin saw him the first time and thought, "What a pretty delicate looking thing".

Strangely enough Sungmin approached the guy who shivered upon seeing a stranger coming towards him.

"Hi poor thing. What are you doing here amongst these glass pieces and oh! Your forehead is bleeding."
"L...l..eave..or else he..he..will kill you.."

Sungmin burst out in laughter at that because who would dare to touch the dreadful mafia leader.
"Who? And why are you so scared?"
" f..father will kill you..j..just go.."

Sungmin suddenly grabbed hyunsuk's wrist and helped him up. Staring straight into hyunsuk's eyes, he rubbed his cheek.
"Does he hit you? Do you want me to stop that?"
Hyunsuk was taken aback by the spontaneity of the moment. Like a stranger suddenly made him feel cared about and protected. But wait! Isn't that too early for that? So hyunsuk shrugged off his hand.
"S..sir you shouldn't get involved in my matter-"
Before hyunsuk could say any further his drunkard of a father came there thrashing a bottle of beer on the ground.

Hyunsuk hates this sound. Sound of the glass breaking. He remembers how he saw his mother accidentally falling from the terrace and landing on the glass pane they had bought to replace the old one. All he saw next was blood spreading around her lifeless body. Sudden trauma of his mom's death caused hyunsuk to crouch down in fear.
Sungmin saw this and instantly asked his men to control the drunk man.

He crouched down to hyunsuk's level and while lifting his chin he said, "You are coming with me, I will take you away from this hell hole, is it fine with you?"
After having dealt with so many painful experiences early in life Hyunsuk had almost lost hope of living his life. But this stranger had stirred up a ray of light in his life. Should he trust this stranger who looks at him with so much empathy?

Little does he know that he is going to fall in another hell hole after escaping this one.

"Can I trust you?" Hyunsuk asked looking away in nervousness.
"What should I do to make you? I promise I won't hit you or make you cry."
"Okay...B..but my brother..he is at his friend's place today, I can't leave him here alone."
"Just that? Then he'll also come with us then."

Hyunsuk believed in the stranger and decided to follow him. What happened to his father? He asked Sungmin to just keep his father away from him and his brother, he wanted nothing besides that.

They reached Sungmin's mansion. Yes a literal mansion! What else is expected from a flashy, intimidating mafia boss. But Hyunsuk had no clue of what profession did the stranger belong to.

"What is your name s..sir?" Hyunsuk mustered up all his courage to ask that question.
"I'm Kang Sungmin, and don't call me sir. What's yours pretty thing?"
"I..I'm Choi Hyunsuk, also is there any thing that I can do to repay your kindness sir..I..I can do any sort of labour."
"Oh pretty thing! You don't have to use these soft hands to do any harsh labour from now on. Marry me will you?"

Hyunsuk was perplexed by the sudden proposal of marriage.
"Marry!? Us two?" The amount of shock he had was visible on his face.
"Yes babe, us two or who else. What do you say, will you marry me?
Hyunsuk felt obliged to answer a 'yes', for this man had saved him.

The two got married shortly, but things changed after that. Promises were broken and so were hearts. Events that Hyunsuk would have never imagined in his wildest dreams, started unfolding.

~End of Flashback~

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