New Beginnings

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[Note that any medical reference mentioned here is not accurate]

"Jihoonie.....Jihoonie...can you hear me....Doctor!"

Hyunsuk quickly prompted the doctor the check on Jihoon.
"Congratulations Mr Choi, Mr Park has come out of coma!"

Hyunsuk couldn't help but hold his hands near his face in disbelief.
"T...thank you so much doctor...." Hyunsuk could see his tears of joy flowing out of his eyes.
"We'll check his condition, please wait outside."

A few minutes later

"He's stable Mr Choi, you can go and meet him."

Hyunsuk took nervous steps towards the door and gently pushed open the door to find Jihoon half lying on the bed.
" you remember me?"

"O..of could I forget the love of my life Sukkie!"

And there went Hyunsuk straight into Jihoon's arms. He could feel Jihoon's heart beat and vice versa. He looked up to meet Jihoon's eyes. Before Jihoon could say anything, Hyunsuk landed a kiss on Jihoon's lips.

Jihoon was both perplexed and happy by the action. Happy because he got to be this close to his Sukkie again and shocked because this was so bold of him.

"S...Sukkie... you're really Sukkie..?"

"Yes I am Mr Jihoon. While you were making me wait here, I worked on myself. I tried becoming a better version of myself. I teach at a Primary school Jihoon. And I also take piano lessons. I have rented an apartment Jihoon. I no longer cry in vain, I became stronger, stronger for myself. "

Hyunsuk for the first time saw Jihoon crying.
"I... I'm so proud of you Sukkie."
Hyunsuk could feel how genuine each word was.

"Thank you for getting better Jihoonie.... that's all that know how hard Mr Kim has worked to keep things together. He really is commendable..."

Jihoon gave a little chuckle
"Of course, I trust him more than I trust myself..."

"Doyoungie is also in the college now"

"Oh how much more did I miss..."

"A lottt...but don't worry I'll help you catch up"
Hyunsuk threw his hands around Jihoon's neck.

"Did you mean it Sukkie when you said you love me?"

"Is that even a question?"

"But you know you've been in similar-"

Hyunsuk kept a finger to Jihoon's mouth to prevent him from speaking further.

"I've been hurt enough to know that I love you differently.....and that different is that you're the only one Jihoon..."

"Thank you for waiting for me Sukkie and not giving up on me.."

"How could I give up on you Idiot! Like you ever gave up on me..."

"Ahem...but I see you've grown so informal used to call me Jihoon ssi...."

"Oh yes! I'm a year older than you so you might as well start calling me Hyung"

"Naww,,,, 'Sukkie hyung' doesn't sound nice does it?"

They both started laughing. How long has it been since they've laughed to their heart's content~~

No one ever talks about it now but after Kang Sungmin's death, another member of the gang became their leader. Turned out that many in the pack were already very upset by the cheap everyday actions of their old leader. They now maintain a much better relation with the Parks.

Jihoon had to stay in the hospital for a few days before he could be discharged. Meanwhile everyone came to visit him.

Today is the day Jihoon gets discharged from the hospital.
"Where are we going then Sukkie?"

"You are going back to your house and I'm going back to mine."

"Ehhhh?!!! Sukkie you can't leave me alone like that.."

"You must have servants.."

"Sukkie please... please"

Hyunsuk couldn't resist Jihoon's puppy eyes and hence succumbed to his pleas.
"Fine then come with me to my apartment."


"So this is my apartment, it's small but enough for me and doyoung."

"It's cute Sukkie, just like you..."

Hyunsuk turned red with the compliment and hastily offered him to take a shower.

Jihoon came out of the shower, and walked shirtless into the living room.
"Sukkie can I get a shirt"
"Yes Jihoo-"
Hyunsuk paused between his words as he faced a shirtless Jihoon.

"Close your mouth darling~"
Jihoon smirked

"Shut up! I'll see if I find one later....go watch the TV or something, I'm making coffee."
hyunsuk turned back in embarrassment and started preparing the coffee.

"Come take your coffee Jihoon.."

Jihoon came into the kitchen and took the cup from Hyunsuk started walking back into the living room.

Hyunsuk had thought that Jihoon would hug him from behind, give him a peck on the cheeks or something but nothing? He was just going to walk back like that, have his coffee and sleep?!

So Hyunsuk slightly tugged at the Jihoon's sweatpants, murmuring
"Are you just gonna have coffee?"

"What? Sukkie I don't understand?"

Stop playing fool now Jihoon.
"I....I mean... Doyoungie is not at home, he's sleeping at a friend's today and you are also perfectly fine"
Only Hyunsuk knows much courage he had to muster up to say these words.

"Sukkie? Do you want me to kiss you?"

Like all of the blood rushed to Hyunsuk's face, as it got cherry red in an instant.

" w..when did.. I..-"

Jihoon could not care less about stammering as he slammed his lips over Hyunsuk's. This was only the second kiss they had but it was far more passionate and full of desire.
Hyunsuk was pushed onto the counter in no time as they made out fiercely in the kitchen and the coffee was forgotten.

"Am I the first guy allowed to do this in your kitchen?"

Between catching his breath Hyunsuk mumbled
"You're the first one allowed in my house besides Doyoung.."

Jihoon flashed a proud smirk and lifted Hyunsuk up in the bridal style.
"I think I won't need a shirt now.. and my pants are also gonna go anyways"

⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

"Make me yours Jihoonie.."

"Sure my Sukkie, I'm forever yours and you're forever mine."

I hope y'all enjoyed reading this as much I enjoyed writing it

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I hope y'all enjoyed reading this as much I enjoyed writing it.

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