First Meeting

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"Did you hear them? I heard that our boss is going to go down.."
"Yeah I heard that Kang Sungmin is taking over the entire syndicate in Seou-"
The two men felt a little tap on their shoulders.

"Did I interrupt anything?"

The two guys immediately bowed down to their boss asking for forgiveness.
"Park Jihoon doesn't like little back stabbing snakes, tch fire them!"

The two guys kept begging for forgiveness but Jihoon paid no attention to their pleas.

"Sir those two-"

"I heard what they were talking about Mr Kim. Do you think that rascal is really taking over and I'm lagging behind?"

"No Mr Park, you are our youngest, most fearless mafia boss. No one can compare to your level, but...."

"But what Mr Kim?"

"You are too righteous for your field of work, like you don't involve in gambling, money trafficking and prost-."

"And you think it's important to involve in those if I want to be the most powerful mafia in Seoul? If so then drop it Mr Kim. We here go by some rules.
But wait! Doesn't that bastard Sungmin run an illegal brothel!?"

"Yes s..sir he does but what about it?"

"Mr Kim, to bring the enemy down, it's most important to know their worst weaknesses. Maybe I'll find one in there."

"But Mr Park, I heard that he doesn't stay there himself. Though the brothel is in quite heavy demand and has tons of cash rich customers.."

"That's it! I'm going there."

"But Mr Park, someone else can do this job. You shouldn't go there, what if he finds about you?"

"Do you think I'm scared of that dumbshit? And anyways he still got to pay for a lot of sins he has committed.."

Jihoon has made up his mind of sneaking into his rival's illegally run brothel. But of course he has a disguise on so one recognises him.

"How can I help you sir?"
A woman dressed in flashy clothes settled at the reception, threw the question at a clueless Jihoon.
"What's the price sir? I can see it's your first time here."
"Price? I have to offer a price?"
"Of course sir. We have different Furawāzu for different prices"
"It's really your first time here...well, Furawāzu translates to flowers, we follow a little theme here sir."
"Oh! I what's the most expensive fura..?"
"The most high priced is sakura sou, they are the most demanded and asked for. The most expensive one here is called Tsuki."
"Then I'll go with Tsuki!"
"Are you sure sir? I mean the price is-"
"Name it"
"It would be $10,000 for an hour sir."

Well yes that's quite a lot for an hour, but who cares, not like jihoon is here to enjoy the real thing. He's here on a purpose and the that is to look for his enemy's weakness.

"Here's the cheque"
"Um..sir, trust me you are going to love Tsuki, every customer who's been with him is ready to drain their wallets. It's just that boss is very unpredictable about it."
"Ah yes sir, he's a guy. You don't mind that do you-"
"Oh no, I do not."

Jihoon is not going to mind it, not when it specifically relates to the 'boss'.

Jihoon is escorted to a room by a hostess.
As Jihoon enters the dimly lighted room he is met by the sight of a male, clad in white mesh shirt sitting in the bed amongst white silk sheets.
It was like watching some best delicasy of the world being served to you on a silver platter. The guy turned to look at Jihoon and Oh those beautiful dark orbs and black hair locks. Jihoon was captivated by the subtle, pure charm the guy excluded and hence just stood there admiring the bliss of a sight.

"Uh...Mr-?" Oh the guy finally spoke up and Jihoon realises how he forgot his real intentions for a second there.
"Uh...umm..." Jihoon stuttered real bad. He was a fearless mafia boss outside but in a situation like this, he tends to get all stupid.

"Is this your first time here?"
"Why is everyone asking me if it's my first time? Like I get it!"
Jihoon did not plan on scaring the guy. For god sake he just wants to get some information out of him.

"I'm s..sorry I didn't mean to." Jihoon could see how badly the guy shivered upon that and felt guilty.
"It's fine don't have to apologise to me... So sir do whatever you please."

Now looking at those dark orbs closely, Jihoon could see the dreariness in them.
"Do you tell that to everyone?"
"Sir pardon?"
"Do you offer yourself to everyone?"
"S..sir this is my....."
"Your job is it? Well yeah it definitely is. But do you like doing this?"
"Sir...I don't understand what you are-"
"If you want us to get to the real thing, I can but I wanted to talk a little before."

"So what's your name?" Jihoon is determined to get the most out of this little hour he's got for themselves.
"T...Tsuki sir"
"That's not a real name is it? I'm Jun."

Choi Hyunsuk is scared. He probably can't reveal his full name for Sungmin has strictly told him not to.
Yes folks! Uri Choi Hyunsuk, is the most expensive sakura sou of this brothel run by his mafia husband. How did he end up here you ask?

This is one of the calamity that dawned up on Hyunsuk shortly after his marriage with Sungmin.

For the first week of marriage hyunsuk couldn't believe his life was real. His husband showered him with care, something he had desperately looked for after his mother's death.

Every thing was going smoothly, hyunsuk was trying to recover from the traumas of his past, but not until he got to know that his husband is a mafia.

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