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Jihoon reached for Hyunsuk's cheeks and wiped away as many tears as he could.

"Take this off.." Jihoon caught the hem of the shirt Hyunsuk was wearing...

Hyunsuk looked at him with confused eyes glistening with tears threatening to fall again any moment.

"I want to see your wounds..."

"T...they're ugly... Jun ssi..."

Jihoon made Hyunsuk sit on the edge of the bed while he kneeled before him.

"They're not ugly, it's how your eyes see them sukkie. I'll make them pretty for your eyes....I swear.."

Jihoon undid Sukkie's buttons to expose the pale skin evident of the marks of new and old beatings. His blood boiled at the sight but he collected himself.

Jihoon began by softly placing his lips against a bruise on Hyunsuk's wrist. Delicate touch of Jihoon's lips caused a spark in Hyunsuk's body. He tried to retract his hand but Jihoon looked him straight in the eyes as if saying that 'its okay'.

Jihoon traced all of Hyunsuk's petite upper body with kisses, landing a touch of comfort on the bruises that covered him. He reached the neck and pecked all over making Hyunsuk squirm in an unknown comfort.

The distance between their faces was a breath away. There was this weird tension between them, the one they are both new to. Jihoon wanted to claim those lips, the soft, red pouty lips that called for him.

But he won't, not here.

He touched their foreheads and whispered,
"You're too precious Sukkie, too valuable for this world."

Hyunsuk could respond in no words but he latched onto Jihoon's neck and hugged the hell out of him, for Jihoon's arms were becoming his safe place.

• • •

"Mr Kim, you remember Nakajima Shōta?"

"The current most powerful japanese syndicate leader?"

"Yes him!"

"Yeah sir I do."

"He Mr Kim, he hates this shit like brothels. If we get him in our confidence than Kang Sungmin can go down in no time."

"But sir why would he-"

"Mr Kim the other day I heard one of the hostess talking about the lost daughter of the Nakajima family, she is Shōta's sister. She had gone disappearing last year and Shōta has been looking for her like a madman ever since. You remember he even asked for our help?"

"Yes sir but nobody could find her whereabouts!"

"Mr Kim that fucker is probably bringing her in the brothel."

"What? How is she there? Why does Kang Sungmin-"

"Mr Kim I think, initially it was someone else that abducted her but Sungmin found her and decided to bring her to his den."

"But that's dangerous Mr Park, everyone knows how gruesome and merciless Mr Shōta can be! Why would Sungmin-"

"And that fucker Sungmin surely likes to play with fire, but sadly he's gonna burn in it this time."

"Mr Park you could ask his husband to bring you information."

Jihoon didn't respond for a second.
" Mr Kim, I can't tell him to do that."

"Why not sir? You tried to win him so hard, he would trust you sir."

"Mr Kim he's not a tool and I...I won't ever use him, I would never break his trust."

"Sir don't tell me you've fallen for him."

"You're too good Mr Kim, because I have. "

Mr Kim just hopes for things to work out for his boss.


"Sukkie are you ever allowed to leave the house?"

"Only with a guard."

"That's good! We're going on a date tomorrow."

"Date?!" Sukkie's cute confused pout left Jihoon in awe. He wanted to eat the smaller guy right away.

"You've never been on one? It's better then, I get to be your first."

Jihoon's child like smile also stirred up something inside Hyunsuk, he could feel butterflies in his stomach.

"You'll tell your guard that you want to shop at departmental store. He'll drive you there and I'll make him unconscious there."

"W..what will you do?"

"Don't worry sukkie, I know a little dab on neck that'll make him faint for an hour or two."


Hyunsuk wasn't sure what he had gotten himself in but he decided to follow the plan.
He was in the car when Jihoon came from behind and attacked the guard in the driver's seat. Thank goodness there weren't people around.

Before hyunsuk could say something Jihoon grabbed him out of the car and pulled him up on his Harley Davidson.

Hyunsuk looked extremely cute and pretty today in his not so usual clothes. Jihoon could stare forever only if he wasn't constrained by the time. They really looked like a couple going on a date.

"Hold tight Sukkie, we're about to go on an exciting ride."

Hyunsuk clutched onto Jihoon's waist like his life depended on it. Or maybe because it did, for he could feel them racing with the wind.

Hyunsuk felt free, for once he felt like a free bird. Even while holding onto someone, he felt free.

The Aquarium felt like a dream that Hyunsuk could only wish for hopelessly, but now he was there, with a man unpredictable as rain but colorful as a rainbow.

Jihoon clasped on Hyunsuk's hands and locked them together.
"Shall we take a look around Sukkie,?"

"J..Jun ssi....what about hi-"

Jihoon leaned in close to Hyunsuk's ear and whispered,
"Shhh, can you please focus on us for now."

*Us*, since when did 'us' become a thing? They've got no clue but the answer lies in the smiles they both share when they are together.

Hyunsuk took the lead and Jihoon followed him. Like an excited kid, Hyunsuk leaped around, gasping at the sight of every water creature.

Hyunsuk came across a jelly fish and just stared at it with his mouth agape.
"So pretty..."

"Not prettier than you"
Hyunsuk turned to look at Jihoon and SNAP!
Jihoon captured the beautiful moment in his camera.

Suk got embarrassed and started scratching the back of his head,
"Why would you click a picture..."

It was feeble but audible enough to reach Jihoon's ears.
"So that I could see you even when you're not around."

The sugary words made Hyunsuk even more red because now there wasn't a lot of difference between the pink jellyfish and the shades of his cheeks.

"Can I Trust You?" [SUKHOON]♡Where stories live. Discover now