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This is the third time Jihoon is visiting the damn place.
Last time he couldn't ask much, as his conscience wouldn't allow him to put an already hysteric person under a questionnaire. Well even if Jihoon is a 'cleaner' mafia that doesn't make him a saint.
He still forgets about conscience a lot of times. Maybe Tsuki is special...maybe!

"Tsuki again?"

This irksome of a lady never fails to step on Jihoon's nerves.
Jihoon pulls out a cheque, slams it on the table and makes his way to the room he has been visiting since last two times.

Tsuki who is confused by the arrival of the same weird customer goes,
"Mr Jun, you are here.... again?"

Like the guy isn't even interested in the real purpose of the place, so why is he coming and spending so much dollars just to meet hyunsuk?

"You don't seem happy to see me Tsuki ?"

Like he ever seemed happy? Jihoon facepalmed himself mentally...But wait!
He did seem happy once, no twice. Once when his 'husband' came to interrupt them and second when he talked about legos.

Jihoon was being green with envy, only by thought that 'Sungmin' was the reason Tsuki smiled. He doesn't know where these emotions are originating from but he sure doesn't like it.

Jihoon was hell bent on becoming the reason for Tsuki to smile this time and for that folks, he brought a gift for him today.

"Take this"
"W...what is this...?"
"Just open it."
"No..I can't..."

Jihoon forcefully handled the package to the smaller guy.
As soon as the contents of the package came to light, Tsuki smiled and there went Jihoon's heart in the clouds.

But it was quick to descend since the smile disappeared in an instant.

It was legos, spiderman themed.

"You don't like it...?"
"Are you trying to bribe me?"

Well Jihoon did not plan the gift with that intention but ultimately he wants to win the guy's trust so that he could get the information he wants and leave, just like that.

"You think too much Tsuki ..."
"H...he won't let me keep it...t..there's no point if it would end up in trash."

"Then you can build it here and I'll take it back, if you ever get a chance to keep it I'll give it back to you."

Why is this stranger being so considerate for a nobody like Tsuki? His eyes are mysterious...they are dangerous yet affectionate.

So he did start building the Lego... Jihoon was giggling non stop at the sight of the cute guy looking so focused in building the Lego.
Jihoon didn't even realise it but Tsuki's happy face was becoming a source of serotonin for him.

He excludes an aura of childish innocence, which unfortunately is being ruined at this place. Everytime Jihoon spots his impassive face upon entering the room, he becomes restless.

"You got any siblings Tsuki ?"

"Then who is doyoung?"

Like it triggered something in the smaller guy who left all his work and grabbed Jihoon by collar.
"Don't do anything to him or I'll kill you"

This was a new side of him that Jihoon had not seen yet. Or perhaps it was as new for the guy himself because he immediately fell back on his knees in fear.

"I... I'm sorry... p..please don't do anything to doyoung."
Tsuki was crying again. Nobody's tears have ever made Jihoon feel guilty but he manages to do that every time.

"I won't do anything to him"

"You're a liar... they're all liars.. they'll hurt him if I escape..."
There it was again, symptoms of hysteria and oh how much it hurts Jihoon to see the guy being confused by his own surge of emotions.

"I won't let anyone hurt doyoung..where is he?"

"I.... I don't know...S...Sungmin tells me he is safe...but I haven't talked to him or seen him in a year...."

"A year?!"

What kind of a vicious setting has Sungmin trapped him in! Jihoon needs to find out about doyoung and about everything else that is going on.

"I'll do my best to find out about doyoung... I'll have you talk to him on the phone if I find him."

Hyunsuk looked up to Jihoon like he was unreal, like what he heard a few seconds ago was unreal.
Hyunsuk grabbed the hem of Jihoon's shirts,
"Will you....will you Jun ssi?"

Jihoon crouched and cupped his cheeks.
"I promise! Just be safe until then..."

"Can I Trust You?" [SUKHOON]♡Where stories live. Discover now