A Little Reunion

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"Sir you want us to sneak information about some 'Doyoung' from Sungmin's den?"

"Yes Mr Kim, you got any problem with that-"

"Sir, I don't know who this is and why do you want to know about him? Don't tell me this is related to...."

"Mr Kim even if it is related to him, you can't go against me."

"Sir what if you are being trapped? What if Sungmin already knew about you visiting his husband.. and he told him to lie to you?"

"Mr Kim! I think I'm the boss here so do as I say."

"Sir you can't be sympathetic to just anyone"

"Look Mr Kim, I'm not being sympathetic or anything and anyways don't you think this'll help me win his trust."

Mr Kim couldn't argue more for Jihoon was the BOSS.

• • •

"Sir, There seems to be some Choi Doyoung, studying at Baek Soo high school. He has got one of Sungmin's man's name as his guardian."

"Fuck! That's a good job right there Mr Kim. I'm going there."

Men working under Jihoon were shocked at the amount of enthusiasm their boss was showing. He has never showed this much excitement for anything.

• • •

At Baek Soo high school dorm

"Can I talk to Choi Doyoung?"
Jihoon asked the guard sitting at the gate.

"Wait a minute sir, I'll call him."

Doyoung arrived from the dorm. Jihoon could tell he was Tsuki's little brother by the looks.

"Yes, do I know you?"

"I want to talk to you about your brother, I'm Jun."

"Hyunsuk hyung?! He came back from London?"
The little highschooler jumped in excitement.

Hyunsuk? So Tsuki is Choi Hyunsuk!
And what's this story now? London, where did it come from?"

"Sungmin hyung didn't even inform me!" Doyoung was sulking. But wait he knows about his brother and Sungmin?

"You know Kang Sungmin?"

"Yeah...he is my brother's friend. They went to London together. He helped us both. I am able to go to school because of him. I thought you said you know my brother?"

Doyoung looked at him suspiciously.

"Oh ofcourse I know, well the thing is that your brother wants to talk to you but don't tell about this to anyone, like no one."


"You'll know it when you talk to your brother little guy. I'm leaving you my number, make a call on it at 10 p.m exact."


Jihoon is not able to understand why Sungmin didn't tell Doyoung about his and hyunsuk's marriage. Like it's clear that the guy is trying to blackmail Hyunsuk by using Doyoung who is a clueless child.

"Can I Trust You?" [SUKHOON]♡Where stories live. Discover now