In the dead of night quiet, to quiet layed an anxious queen, and her small kits...
—————————————————————Snowlily's view
I woke from my sleep feeling the cold air steeping into the nursery. I looked at my 3 kits, Freckledkit, Cloudkit, and Amberkit. I thought their small limbed bodies resembled the mix of my mate and me. Freckledkit took after my mate - Oakfade, who was a chocolate-brown fluffy ragdoll. Cloudkit was like looking into a mini mirror of me and finally Amberkit looked like a mix between us both.I found the kits totally fascinating in their differing personalities. Freckledkit was quiet and observant, always watching and listening. Cloudkit, the strongest of the three, was always moving trying to emulate us even at such a young age. Amberkit, was quiet and shy, often burying her head into me, never leaving my side.
A cold breeze rolled into the nursery and I curled them up into balls next to me and each other so they would not shiver. As I did this I noticed a shadow move through the camp, followed by 3 more. I was instantly alarmed and worried, but not for long as a paw hit my head knocking me unconscious..
Third person point of view:3 of the 4 dark cats quickly grabbed the 3 kits as the 4th stood watch over their endevours. This action woke the kits and Amberkit tried to wail her displeasure at being awoken by the three strange cats invading her mother's lair.
The cat who had grabbed her shook her to silence her, but in the process accidentally killed her.
"Shit!" the shadow cat swore silently, dropping the now dead kit.The cat on watch whispered, "C'mon, it's too dangerous to stick around, let's go before someone wakes up from the Skyclan camp!" and they all ran away.
They ran through the woods of the skyclan, holding the kits in their maws, and onto the moor.
"Thank Starclan, we're on windclan territory now..." said the leader, "But we are not home free yet...let's get home quick before Riverclan or Shadowclan spots us."

Warriors: Freckedleaf's Past
Fanfiction|| Caution || This is based off a popular series called "warriors" by Erin Hunter. This is just a fanficton. The story takes place before Skyclan was kicked out. Includes minor swear words and major gore ------ Freckedleaf is the Windclan Medicine c...