Chapter 1

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A few moons later
"Freckledkit, Freckledkit! It's Paleflower! She's gonna have kits! We're going to have friends now!" the overexcited Cloudkit mewed to her.

"Cool-" she mewed tiredly back, shivering slightly in her cold den her brother had barged into inconsiderately, waking her from her nap. Realising she could have a legitimate reason to enter the clans Medicine den she continued, "C'mon, let's go see her!"

She knew she was obsessed with the medicine cat den as to her, despite being raised in the Windclan and her only memories were of the Windclan, something felt offly different to her. She wanted to make her brother happy, so she thought that being a medicine cat would answer her  erroneous feeling of mistrust, and spur her to being fair to all of the Windclan. She said none of this to anyone, but meekly followed the exuberant Cloudkit in to see Paleflower, the new Windclan queen.

Instead of following Cloudkit and talking with the queen, Freckledkit went over to the ginger and white medicine cat - Maplestripe, who was looking a bit stressed, "Hi Maplestripe" She mewed, "Do you need and help?"

Maplestripe did not answer straight away, perhaps she was thinking her reply, or perhaps she was distracted, "Ah, yes, I do need help delivering these herbs to the elders." she finally answered.

Freckledkit's eyes lit up as she looked at the blue and white flowers the medicine cat had referred to, "Maplestripe, may I ask a question before I do it?" Freckledkit asked looking at the she-cat.

"Sure, ask away," she mewed back.

"May I ask what these herbs are and what do they do?" Frekledkit asked looking directly into Maplestripes eyes.

"OH! Sure, the herbs are called borage. Borage is used for various things but the main ones are: Milk, fevers, tummy aces and tight chests," the she-cat mewed. Upon hearing what Borage was used for, Freckledkit understood why the elders were taking them. So, she picked up the flowers, nodded 'goodbye' to Maplestripe, and headed off to the elders den.

Upon arriving at the elders den, Freckledkit mewed to them from the dens entrance, "Hello!"

Upon being given permission to enter she was asked, "What is it you have there, young'un?"

"Borage!" she dropped the herb in front of the elders, "Maplestripe asked me to bring it to you."

"Good to know," the old grey cat, with a war stripe over his eye, nodded his thanks.

Cloudkit and Freckledkit left the dens and returned to the nursery as there was little more they could do at that moment in time.

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