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Amberkit looked around the full nursery playing with her 2 brothers as the queens watched. The two queens looked at each other worriedly, there was something wrong with her play. It did not look like the play of a single kit.

"Amberkit  who you playing with?" Steelmask asked causing the kit to look up in surprise from her play.

Steelmask was the tom who "found" her and her siblings with Freckledwish.

"I'm playing with my siblings silly!" Amberkit squealed happily as Whisperkit jumped on her tail.

Steelmask frowned, concerned as he remembered the conversation he had with Maplestripe before she died about the kits of a medicine cat. He hurried out of the nursery and went towards the medicine den, to talk with Freckledwish. As he went to enter,  a ginger and white she-cat walked out.

Amberkit observed the toms odd behaviour and mewed to her siblings, "Hey- why does everyone look concerned?" 

Amberkit looked at her paws thinking it over, but she could not think of anything that could possibly be a problem so she mewed, "Probably nothing!" before going back to play with her siblings.

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