Chapter 13

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Three moons have passed from the fox incident, the injured warriors recovering with no issues.
Freckledwish, knowing that Tornkit was due to have his apprentice ceremony, went to the leaders den during the day and asked Jaguarstar, "Excuse me, Jaguarstar, I have a request."

Jaguarstar looking up from his nap mewed,
"Yes, sure" then pulled himself up to have a proper conversation.

" Jaguarstar, I would like Tornkit, to be my apprentice. They remind me of myself at their age..." Freckledwish mewed as Jaguarstar nodded.

"You know it is his choice though. Don't you?" She nodded, and left hoping in her heart that she would be accepted.

Freckledwish waited in the cold clearing for the meeting to be called by the leader. Finally it happened, Jaguarstar called all the cats, excluding those too old, too young or too sick.

"Let all cats old enough to catch prey gather beneath Tallrock for a Clan meeting." Jaguarstar paused and waited for everyone to arrive before continuing on, "As you know," the clan leader mewed dramatically, flicking his tail towards the kit, "We have a kit ready to be apprenticed. As is the custom, we must ask the kit if they would like to be a medical kit. Tornkit come forward, would you like to become a medicine kit?"

Tornkit walked forward and nodded, "Yes please! I would love to be a medicine apprentice!"

Jaguarstar nodded, "Alright - Tornkit, from this day on Freckledwish will be your mentor and Tornpaw will be your name. May Freckledwish teach you diligently and may you learn all she teaches earnestly so all she knows will be passed onto you."

Freckledwish then moved forward and touched her nose to Tornpaws nose, their mentor apprentice bond sealed.

Half a moon later

Tornpaw, Freckledwish, headed to the mothermouth for the annual meeting of medicine cats.

"Let's go inside," Freckledwish mewed. The cats walk in and observe the moonstone.

"Wow, its beautiful!" exclaimed Tornpaw upon seeing the stone for the first time.

"Shh," mewed Freckledwish and Tornpaw fell silent.

The medicine cats formed a circle and Freckledwish starts the new medical cat apprentice ceremony since it was her apprentice, "Tornpaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?"

"It is," Tornpaw mewed his agreement.

"Then come forwards," she mewed and waited till he came, before continuing,

"Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice. They have chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant them your wisdom and insight so that they may understand your ways and heal their Clan in accordance with your will."

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