chapter 21

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WARNING: this chapter contains birth
Over the next few days Freckledwish and Steelmask prepared a temporary den a day away from all the clans. Freckledwish walked around the temporary den, resting and eating herbs as she needed it.
"I hope that this is far enough away. It should be," Freckledwish worried as a sharp pain enters her body, causing her to gasp.

"Don't worry. We are," Steelmask comforted his tired queen, again.

"You should rest-" he mewed lying down so she could rest on him like a pillow.

Freckledwish appreciated his gesture and lay down on him just as a really big pain hit.

"Steelmask- no time to mess around now- their coming..." Freckledwish mewed getting up and looking at the herbs they had gathered for this - the Borage, raspberry leaves, and a stick.

"Give me the stick and raspberry leaves," Freckledwish instructed Steelmask as she breathed through one of her birthing pains.

Steelmask shakily gave her the requested herbs. Freckledwish ate the raspberry leaves and instantly she felt a lot less pain. She felt another wave of pain coming so she bit down on the stick each time the birthing pains came. After a while 3 kits popped out - one, two, three. Steelmask nipped their umbilical cords and licked their chests to encourage them to breathe.

"Congratulations dear, we have 2 toms, and 1 she-kit," Steelmask mewed licking Freckledwish's cheek.

"I'd like to name the she-kit Amberkit, after my sibling who didn't get to experience life. You can name the other two," Freckledwish mewed to Steelmask, and waited for him to say their names.

"Whisperkit, and Leapingkit." Steelmask mewed as Freckledwish closed her eyes listening to their voices and breathing.

She could only hear 3 cats and kits breathing... there should be 5!

"Steelmask their not breathing..." Freckledwish panicked looking at the still bodies.

"No, no, NO... Starclan please don't take them from me... you took everything else from me- don't take my kits-" she cried looking at the 2 still kits with dead eyes.

"Freckledwish I'm sorry... they're dead-" Steelmask mewed struggling to stay calm, for her, but grief hit them both equally hard, tears falling down as they bowed their head to remember the short life of the two kits.

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