Chapter 18

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1 moon has passed since Steelmask and Freckledwish confessed to each other, since then the two were often seen together grooming each other's fur affectionately.
The gathering of the clans was upon them once again and Jaguarstar had organised who would go to the gathering the day before. Leafbelly was staying behind while Freckledwish and Steelmask was going to the gathering.

"Steelmask, we going to the gathering now!" Freckledwish mewed as she walked out of the medicine den with Steelmask.

Leafbelly waved goodbye to the two cats wishing them a safe journey. Jaguarstar led the patrol, once the two cats had joined the patrol, then to the four tree. Upon entering the clearing Freckledwish immediately ran to where the medicine cats were. Steelmasks heart ached a little as he could not join her there so he contented himself with watching her from a distance. 

"Where's skyclan?" Freckledwish asked the other medicine cats as soon as she got to them.

"Don't know-" Sheepberry mewed, stopping as she noticed Skyclan walking in.

As they observed, a familiar cat was walking with them, one Freckledwish had hoped not to see. To her surprise as Skyclan spread out Cloudcream settled himself on the deputy's rock.

"Isn't that... Why is he..." Freckledwish thought looking at Cloudcream.

"Thank starclan; you're finally here, let's start the gathering" the ThunderClan leader mewed looking at Skyclan.

"I'll go first, Windclan is going well, prey is running well" Jaguarstar mewed flicking his tail towards Scourchedstar to indicate he had finished speaking.

"Shadowclan is going well, some injured cats, that's all." Scourchedstar mewed nodding at Raccoonstar to report on their clan.

"ThunderClan is also well, some sicknesses, but that's all." Raccoonstar mewed before looking at the new leader on the rock.
Oakstar stepped up,

"As you can see Skyclan's old leader has passed away. My name is Oakstar and my new deputy is Cloudcream. Despite these changes Skyclan is going well."

The other clans cheered for the new leader and deputy. Windclan, however, was silent, all the cats within the clan looked concerned at the news that Cloudcream was the new deputy of Skyclan, a known murderer.

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