chapter 16

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FreckledWish sat in her den tears rolling down her face, another death by her brothers hand, which was extremely traumatizing.  SteelMask walked in, his heart squeezed with compassion seeing Freckledwish sobbing her eyes out, so he sat down next to the crying she-cat.

"Shh, it's not your fault." He whispered pressing his fur against hers and licking her tears.

"Everyone seems to die whether it be mentor or apprentice, SteelMask... I've seen so much death, I don't know what I've done to make StarClan punish me like this," FreckledWish continued crying, pushing her face into his fur.

They cuddle together for a while when Leafbelly walks in and sits next to the two.

"May I join the comfort squad?" She asked sitting beside FreckledWish.

The three sat and comforting each other. Although SteelMask wasn't as affected by Tornpaw's death, he reminisced the good times with them. Strangely enough, the cheerful reminiscing comforted the pair who were grieving.

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