Chapter 7

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Half a moon later
Freckledpaw and Maplestripe as well as all the other medicine cats gathered around mother mouth to discuss the sicknesses and injuries that's happening within the clans.

As the last medicine cat arrived, Sheepberry the riverclan medicine cat mewed, "I'm so sorry I'm late, something came up in the clan."

The other cats nodded and walked in to the moonstone. Freckledpaw placed her nose on the cold stone, as she drifted to sleep. While she was asleep, she had a vision :- saw 3 darkens shapes 2 kits, a parent and  her, the vision swirled and saw a cat walking away from a StarClan creature. The vision swirled onto see a darkness - a cat murdering Maplestripe, then it swirled again to see Jaguarstar exileing the darkened cat. The vision ended with the words.

"A cat of your kin, Betrays the code; murders the one you call mentor, Exile them fast before they kill more."

Freckledpaw awoke from the vision to see everyone awake but Maplestripe. Freckledpaw looked at the sleeping Medicine cat and wondered what the entire prophecy meant.

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